The performance and treatment of autism in children


Childhood autism is a subtype of a pervasive developmental disorder that is more common in men and begins in infancy and early childhood. Mainly manifested as different degrees of speech developmental disorders, interpersonal barriers, narrow interests and stereotyped behavior. How is autism in children treated? What are the causes of autism in children?
Childhood autism manifestations
Performance 1: Lonely and outliers, addicted to self, communication difficulties.
That is, the lack of the tendency to communicate and communicate with people. Some children show this characteristic from an early age, such as being unfamiliar with their parents since childhood and disliking being held by others. When people want to pick him up, they don't stretch out their hands to show the gesture of expecting to pick them up. They don't take the initiative to play with the child. When others try to play with them, they avoid them and don't respond to calls. They always like to play alone and play by themselves. Although some children do not exclude others, they do not communicate with children, that is, they lack social communication skills.
Performance 2: The language barrier is prominent and it is difficult to communicate normally.
Most children speak very little, in severe cases they remain silent for almost their entire lives, have a limited vocabulary for speaking, and even when some children can speak, they tend to be reluctant to speak, preferring to use gestures instead. Some people can talk, but in a low, low voice, or repeat monotonous words to themselves. Some children will only imitate what others say and not speak in their own language. Many children don't ask or answer questions, just repeat what others have said. Language communication is also often manifested in the confusion and inversion of pronouns, such as replacing yourself with "you" and "he". There are also many children with autism who often scream, sometimes until they are 5-6 years old.
Performance 3: narrow interests, stereotyped and repetitive behavior, and opposition to environmental changes.
Children with autism tend to focus on one or several games or activities for longer periods of time, such as being obsessed with rotating pot lids, placing blocks monotonously, watching TV commercials and weather forecasts, facing cartoons, children's TV, and having no interest in movies. Some children eat the same meals every day, take the same route, and require the same toilet for defecation. If there is a change, they cry loudly, show an obvious anxiety reaction, refuse to change their original habits and behaviors, and find it difficult to adapt to the new environment, most of the children also showed aimless activities, hyperactivity, monotonous repetitive jumping, clapping, waving, running and spinning, and some even showed self-harm behaviors, such as repeated nose picking, mouth picking, lip biting, etc. action.
Performance 4: Most of the mental development is backward and unbalanced.
Most of the mental development is slower than that of children of the same age, and a few children have normal or near normal intelligence. But some aspects of intellectual activity are surprisingly good, which is unbelievable. Many children have strong mechanical memory, especially for words and symbols. For example, a 3 or 4 year old is particularly fond of reading words. He took the initiative to ask what to read when he saw a word, and remembered it only once. Because of this, he is able to read children's storybooks with ease and fluency, which shows that he has a good vocabulary, but has great difficulty expressing himself in words, which shows that they have deficits in their ability to understand and use language.
Causes of autism in children
The cause of childhood autism is unknown. Many foreign studies believe that the incidence of autism in children may be related to genetics, family characteristics, social psychology, physiological anatomy, biochemistry and other factors.
Reason 1: Genetic
From studies of families and twins, it was found that about 10% to 20% of twin siblings of people with autism may be mildly autistic.
Reason 2: Infection with disease
Autism in children can be caused by measles or rubella, which can damage the brain of the fetus during pregnancy. In addition, metabolic diseases can also cause brain cell dysfunction, affecting the function of brain nerves to transmit information, resulting in autism in children. In addition, factors such as distress and miscarriage during pregnancy may lead to brain hypoplasia, premature birth, dystocia, neonatal brain damage, and brain damage caused by diseases such as infantile encephalitis and meningitis, which may increase the risk of autism in children.
How to deal with autism in children
Current drug treatments cannot change the course of childhood autism, but can control some symptoms to some extent. Behavioral therapy should focus on promoting socialization and language development in children with autism and minimizing pathological behaviors that interfere with children's functioning and are incompatible with learning. In addition, there is educational therapy.
Method 1: Drug therapy
Current drug treatments cannot change the course of childhood autism, but can control some symptoms to some extent. The drugs used include antipsychotics, central nervous system stimulants, antihistamines, antidepressants, salts and vitamins, etc. The efficacy is still inconclusive.
Method 2: Behavioral therapy
Treatment should focus on promoting socialization and language development in children with autism and minimizing pathological behaviors such as stereotypes, self-harm, and aggressive behaviors that interfere with children's functioning and are incompatible with learning. The principles of behavioral therapy, first, the treatment plan should be individualized. Second, help children try to transfer skills learned in hospitals and schools to their home or other settings. Third, another purpose of treatment is to promote the social development of the child, so it is not suitable for long-term hospitalization.
Method 3: Educational therapy
The goal of education should focus on teaching them useful social skills, such as the ability to take care of themselves in daily life, the ways and skills of interacting with people; coordination with the surrounding environment and basic survival skills such as behavioral norms and the use of public facilities.
Education and training should pay special attention to individualization. The younger the age at which education and training begins, the better and easier to resolve. Special attention should be given to the role of parents in education and training. Education and training should also be enduring and long-term. Teachers and parents should understand that short-term training cannot be expected to change a child's behavior or necessarily learn a skill.
The best time to treat autism in children
2-6 years old is the best time to treat autism in children. The earlier it is detected and treated, the better the results. Infants and toddlers with autism behave very differently from other children. A person often screams loudly, and cannot be quiet; others are quiet and have no interest in the things that are of interest to normal children's growth and development.
If the child is more than two years old and still can't speak, then parents should pay attention. Parents are the closest people around their children, so parents also need to know about autism in children and be able to judge whether their children's behavior is normal at the first time, so as not to delay their children.