How to care for your skin in spring?


With the arrival of spring, everything begins to recover, and people's skin begins to "wake up". With the increase of temperature and humidity, the metabolism of the skin is gradually accelerated, and the secretion of sebum and sweat also increases. In spring, the human body's resistance is also the weakest, and it is most easily affected by the external environment. With the increase in the number of outdoor sports, the skin problems that are prone to occur in spring also appear.
How to maintain the skin in spring?
1. Change skin care products in time
The sebaceous glands secrete more in spring. If you have dry skin, it may be due to lack of water or an oil-water imbalance, rather than "oil deficient". When using skin care products, "pack lightly" and gradually change the oily creams commonly used in winter to neutral lotions with higher water content. These products are simple in structure, breathable, more comfortable and more convenient to use.
2. Clean the skin
The weather in spring is getting hotter and hotter, the metabolism of the human body is promoted, the secretion of sweat glands and sebaceous glands increases, and allergens and bacteria in the air become more active. To prevent acne and clogged pores, careful cleaning is required after going out. If necessary, perform a deep skin care once a month to gently exfoliate the keratin accumulated on the surface of the skin, promote metabolism, and allow the skin to breathe thoroughly.
3. Do not wash your face with cold water
Many people feel that the temperature is getting hotter, so washing their face with cold water is more comfortable. In fact, cold water shrinks your skin's pores, causing dirt to build up and make it harder to drain. Over time, it can lead to skin irritation and acne. From a skincare standpoint, wash your face with lukewarm water all year round.
4. Frequent peeling is unwise
Many people feel that their skin is a little rough after experiencing winter. In spring, more exfoliation is needed to restore soft and smooth skin. In fact, this is to prevent the invasion of bacteria and microorganisms. Frequent exfoliation can cause skin thinning, reduce skin resistance, and increase susceptibility to skin infections and contact dermatitis. It is worth mentioning that many people "prefer" skin care products containing AHA because of their "skin rejuvenation" effect. The "skin rejuvenation" effect of fruit acid is actually achieved through "exfoliation". After use, the stratum corneum of the epidermis peels off and a new layer of skin grows back. On the surface, it has a "skin rejuvenation" effect, but it makes the skin very sensitive.
5. Don't slack off with sunscreen
Paying attention to summer sunscreen is common sense for many people. However, many people don't know that dark skin actually starts in the spring. While not as hot as summer, it is dry, windy, and has strong UV rays. The metabolic cycle of the human body is 28 days. If you don't pay attention to sun protection in spring, your skin will be exposed to too much UV rays, and you will get sunburned in summer. It was too late to try to save it by then. Many people believe that whitening agents can make the skin more beautiful and soft. In fact, sunscreen is the "source" of whitening. The effect of whitening products has the effect of inhibiting the production of melanin, but it cannot prevent the damage of ultraviolet rays to the skin. This worked as a remedy. As long as you do a good job of sun protection, you can basically prevent sunburn and tanning, and keep your skin fair all year round.
6. Different types of nursing
Different skin tones require different treatments. Dry skin requires special attention to cleansing the skin. Do not wash frequently, and the water temperature should not be too low or too high. Don't use low-alkaline and high-quality soaps or body washes every day. In spring, people with oily skin should pay more attention to cleaning their skin and choose a milder facial cleanser. Skin care products should be lotions that absorb easily and do not clog pores. Do not use makeup that clogs pores, such as foundation or primer. If you must use it, be sure to remove makeup and perform a deep clean.
To relieve spring itching, you can choose soft, loose-fitting cotton clothing to reduce skin irritation. Secondly, pay attention not to bathe too frequently, and do not scrub too hard, which will aggravate the itching. Many people like to use hot water to relieve itching, because temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius inhibit the itching receptors on the skin. However, if the water temperature is high, the capillaries on the surface of the skin will swell, and the dryness and itching of the skin will be aggravated. If there is itching, you can take a hot bath after cleaning, and immediately use moisturizing products for skin care. Or apply a cold compress with a cold towel.
7. "Cultivating both inside and outside" to care for skin health
If you want to keep your skin healthy in spring, you need to "repair both inside and out". First, moisturize your skin by drinking water regularly. Second, get enough sleep. Skin exposed to the sun for a day desperately needs a "rest" to replenish nutrients and repair damaged cells. The best time to care for your skin is from 10pm to 4am.
8. Scientific intake of "photosensitive" vegetables and fruits