How to use a spoon for facial beauty?


When it comes to beauty, many people think of various beauty tools and skin care products, which are too difficult for beginners. So is there an easy way to make your skin more beautiful?

A Japanese beautician uses a very common and practical stainless steel spoon for grooming. The beautician was born in 1964, and even though she is in her 60s, she has beautiful skin and looks like a girl in her 20s. So what's the maintenance secret?

The following shows you her 3 spoon beauty methods :

Method 1. Facial massage

Before using your skin care products, wake up your skin with a massage. This soothes the skin and promotes absorption. This step seems simple, but without a professional beautician, the massage effect may not be enough, and the nails may even hurt the skin.

If you massage with a spoon, that's another story. Thanks to the lever principle, the slender handle of the spoon allows you to hold the spoon in your hand and just tap it to get the desired massage effect.

You need to remember to pay attention to the following principles:

1. Close to the face

Spoons come in different shapes, so choose one that matches the back of the spoon and the shape of your face. For example, you can stroke your face with a large spoon and your nose and chin with a small spoon to stimulate acupuncture points in the eyes.

In addition, pay attention to the position of the spoon, do not hold the head of the spoon with your hands, but hold the head of the spoon with your fingers, so that the surface of the spoon touches your face as much as possible. Maximize the power of the spoon.

2. Reverse Pore Massage

Pores also have reverse growth. The T-zone refers to the upward-growing pores on the tip of the nose and forehead, and the U-zone refers to the downward-growing pores on the face and chin. When massaging your face with a spoon, remember to tap in the direction of the pores. This is because tapping the pores in the opposite direction opens them up more easily. Playing along the pores will cause the pores to close faster, which is not conducive to the absorption of skin care products.

Here is a reminder, when the face starts to heat up after a period of time, it means that the blood circulation is normal, and you can stop patting.

Method 2. Press and pull

When it comes to the most troublesome areas of the face, the corners of the eyes, nose and mouth, these areas are prone to fine lines, so it's a good idea to use a spoon to deal with those fine lines.

You need to remember to pay attention to the following principles:

1. Rotary extrusion

Unlike slapping, you use your thumb to rotate the surface of the spoon instead of holding the spoon head with your hand. Compared with slapping, this method is less irritating to the skin and helps to relax facial muscles, improve skin texture, promote blood circulation, and boost metabolism.

2. Rolling and Lifting

As you age, the skin on your face gradually ages and becomes sagging. At this time, the beautician will not perform a lift on the opposite side. The spoon is a small tool used to lift the face.

To crush and lift, use one side of the spoon, cross your fingers and hold the top of the spoon, place your thumb behind the spoon and where the spoon meets, allowing the spoon to start from the chin, from the chin to the cheek, and down the skin , let the skin jiggle like jelly.

Method 3, cold heat treatment

In addition to the fine lines above, enlarged pores are also a common headache problem. So how do spoons solve pore problems? This requires maximizing the metallic properties of the spoon.

When choosing a stainless steel spoon, its superiority is reflected in its excellent thermal conductivity. We can easily make an ice spoon or a hot spoon, just put it in ice water or hot water.

Before using skin care products, tap, push, and lift with a hot spoon to promote skin blood circulation, further open skin pores, and accelerate skin absorption. After skin care, it can be cleaned with an ice spoon, which can shrink pores in time, thereby locking in moisture and tightening the skin.