How to improve the baby's poor resistance? what to eat?


Babies are the future of their parents, and their growth process has received special attention from parents, especially in the process of growth, as parents, especially the kind of old and sick children, it will give parents a lot of headaches, how can the baby's resistance be poor? manage? Then let's talk about some related things about the poor resistance of babies.
What to do if the baby's immunity is weak
Many parents will encounter such a problem, the child is always sick and goes to the hospital. This is a manifestation of the baby's poor resistance. What should I do if I encounter a baby with poor resistance?
Method 1: Provide adequate nutrition
Babies need a lot of nutrients as they grow. If the nutrition cannot keep up at this time, it will lead to poor resistance of the baby. Therefore, a full range of nutrition must be provided. Although comprehensive nutrition is required, because the baby's digestive system is immature, many things cannot be eaten at a very young age, which will make nutritional supplements simpler and lead to malnutrition. . In daily life, parents can properly feed their children to add some vitamins, which will help to improve the baby's resistance.
Method 2: Strengthening exercise
If you want to improve resistance, you need to strengthen your child's physique, so you must develop a good habit of exercise from an early age. After the baby is full moon, when the weather is good, you can take the baby out to bask in the sun, which has a certain effect on improving the baby's resistance; when the baby is older, you can take the baby to play in a park with a slightly better environment. The absorption of calcium and the formation of vitamins are beneficial to the healthy growth of the baby. Children who exercise regularly are also very willing to eat, so that the intake of nutrients will be more comprehensive, and the physique will be significantly enhanced.
Precautions for improving baby's immunity
The above mentioned what to do if the baby's resistance is poor. Of course, when improving resistance, you can't be too blind. There are many precautions.
Note 1: Breastfeeding
Breast milk is the best food for babies, especially newborn babies. Breastfed babies are many times more resistant than babies who drink formula. Therefore, mothers should adopt the most scientific breastfeeding methods to help their babies strengthen their immunity, because breastfeeding has a great impact on the health of babies. Breast milk contains immune-boosting vitamin A, as well as minerals that protect your baby's digestive and respiratory systems from infection, even for years.
Note 2: Ensure adequate sleep
Sleep is the process of restoring various functions of the human body, especially for babies, adequate sleep can make the beneficial cells in the body grow rapidly, thereby reducing the chance of illness. Scientific sleeping methods are the key elements to promote the growth of babies. Growing babies need at least ten hours of sleep a day.
Note 3: Do not use antibiotics arbitrarily
Everything has two sides, and antibiotics are no exception, and while they help treat disease, they cannot be abused. When the infection is not very serious, try not to use antibiotics, you can rely on your own resistance to recover, only when your immune system has been exercised, the next time you encounter this situation, you can target this bacteria to protect your health .
What to eat for babies with poor resistance
If the baby's resistance is poor, parents can pay more attention to their usual diet and add some foods that can enhance their resistance. Next, let's introduce what to eat for babies with poor immunity.
Method 1: Eat more calcium-rich foods
Babies need a lot of calcium as they grow, especially when they're young, and they grow very quickly. At this time, parents can choose bone broth, fish and shrimp, seafood, etc. for the baby. These foods are rich in calcium elements that can improve the baby's immunity. Of course, in order to promote better calcium absorption, parents can take the baby to the outdoor environment. Better places to get some sun, while providing your baby with some vitamin D food, will promote better calcium absorption. absorb.
Method 2: Eat more nutritious food
If you want to improve your baby's resistance, you can choose some medicinal foods in your diet, such as jujube, longan meat, mushrooms, etc. These foods are rich in nutrients and are also natural supplements for your baby's health, which can improve your baby's immunity.
Method 3: Eat more high-quality protein foods
There are many such foods, such as rice, millet, eggs, etc. that we often eat, which contain very good protein. These foods have a very great effect on improving the baby's immunity, but they can't be washed too much or soaked in hot water. Just wake up a little, and try not to eat fish and meat. Best served with fried fish, steamed or soup.