What is the best iron supplement for babies? The method of iron supplement


Iron is a trace element needed by the human body, and the amount required by the human body is very small, but the role of iron in the human body is indispensable and irreplaceable, especially for the growth and development of infants and young children, we must pay attention to iron supplementation, otherwise it will affect the child's health. adversely affect healthy growth. Let's take a look at the methods of iron supplementation for babies, and what to eat for iron supplementation for babies!
The method of iron supplementation for babies
Although the iron content in breast milk is not much, the absorption rate is as high as 50%. Therefore, if breast milk is available, it is best to choose breastfeeding. If the baby's iron intake increases after 4 months, the mother can supplement the baby with iron through the diet, because adding iron-rich food can not only prevent the occurrence of iron-deficiency anemia in the baby, but also allow the baby to grow and develop healthy. Let's take a look at how to supplement iron for babies.
Infants need a daily iron supply of 10 mg. Among natural foods, there are plenty of iron-containing fruits, vegetables, and meats that can be supplemented by these foods.
Method 1: Eat more iron-rich foods
Iron in food exists in two forms: non-heme iron and heme iron. Non-heme iron is primarily found in plant foods and is poorly absorbed due to interference from other food components. The absorption rate of iron in rice noodles is only 1% to 3%. Heme is mainly found in animal foods and is not interfered by other food components, and has a high absorption rate. For example, the absorption rate of iron in the liver is 10% to 20%.
Method 2: Eat more foods that promote iron absorption
Vitamin C promotes iron absorption. Vitamin C is a strong reducing agent that converts iron in food into ferrous iron that can be absorbed. Fruits and vegetables such as kiwis, citrus, oranges and tomatoes are rich in vitamin C.
TIPS: Drinking tea before and after meals can inhibit the absorption of iron.
Method 3: Eat fortified foods
In milk powder, rice flour, and soy milk, many of them are specially added with iron, and the food labels of "iron" fortified foods are specially marked on the food labels.
TIPS: There are currently two types of fortified foods on the market. One is fortified according to the national standard for baby food, containing 6-10 mg of iron per 100 grams; mg. The latter is not suitable for infant consumption.
Method 4: Cooking food with a wok, shovel, etc.
Use an iron pan to cook food, so that the iron powder falling from the iron pan can be combined with the food and increase the intake of iron.
Method 5: Do not overdose on iron supplements for babies
Too much iron can easily cause iron poisoning, which may directly corrode the gastrointestinal mucosa, resulting in symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, black stool, abdominal pain and gastroenteritis. Excessive amounts are also prone to imbalance in the metabolism of trace elements such as iron, zinc, and copper in the body.
What is a good iron supplement for babies
Complementary food is the first choice for infant iron supplementation. Eat more iron-containing foods in your baby's daily diet. Compared with iron supplements, dietary supplements are not only easier to absorb, but also safer. Foods with the highest iron content are black fungus, kelp, animal blood and liver. Followed by meat, beans, eggs and green leafy vegetables, milk is low in iron. There are other good food sources of iron supplements, let's take a closer look.
Baby iron food 1: animal liver. The liver is rich in various nutrients and is the first choice for the prevention of iron deficiency anemia. Pig liver contains 25 mg of iron per 100 grams, which is also more easily absorbed by the body. Liver can be processed into various forms of children's food, such as liver puree, for easy consumption by infants.
Iron supplement for babiesFood2: All kinds of lean meat. Although the iron content in lean meat is not too high, the utilization rate of iron is similar to that of pig liver, and it is easy to purchase and process, and children also like to eat it.
Iron supplement for babiesFood3: Egg yolk. 7 mg of iron per 100 grams of egg yolk. Although the absorption rate of iron is only 3%, the raw materials of eggs are easy to obtain, easy to eat, and easy to store, and they are also rich in other nutrients, so they are a good iron supplement food.
Iron supplement for babiesFood4: Animal blood. The utilization rate of iron in pig blood, chicken blood, duck blood and other animal blood is 12%. If you pay attention to cleanliness and hygiene and process it into blood tofu, it is a cheap and convenient food to prevent iron deficiency anemia in children.
Iron supplement for babiesFood5: Soybeans and their products. Every 100 grams of soybeans and soybean flour contains 11 mg of iron, and the absorption rate of the human body is 7%, which is much higher than that of rice flour.
Iron supplement for babiesFood6: Sesame paste. Sesame paste is rich in various nutrients and is an excellent nutritional food for infants and young children. Each 100 grams of sesame paste contains 58 mg of iron, and it is also rich in calcium, phosphorus, protein and fat. It is added to infant food and is very popular with children.
Iron supplement for babiesFood7: Green leafy vegetables. Although the absorption rate of iron from plant foods is not high, children eat it every day, so vegetables are also a source of iron supplementation.
Baobu Tonic Iron Food 8: Fungus and mushrooms. The content of iron is very high, especially fungus, which has been used as a good blood supplement since ancient times. In addition, kelp, seaweed and other aquatic products are also good foods to prevent iron-deficiency anemia in children.