Should I use facial cleanser in the morning?


Many girls are most concerned about their skin, because whiteness covers all ugliness. As the first step of daily care: wash your face in the morning, are you doing it right? I believe that many girls have the problem of washing their face in the morning, what should I do?

Should I use a face wash when washing my face in the morning?

Washing your face in the morning is the most basic care step and the most important step. Everyone's skin is different, and of course, the precautions when washing your face are also different. Whether you use a face wash in the morning depends on your skin type.

1. Oily skin

Oily skin is characterized by oily skin, and after a night of secretion, it feels visibly greasy in the morning. For oily skin, wash your face in the morning with a cleanser to keep your skin dry and prevent oily acne. Oil is the main cause of acne on the cheeks, so wash your face in the morning and use a facial cleanser to control oil and care for your skin.

Oily skin is difficult to care for and hands can become sticky when washing your face. A dirty sheen doesn't just spoil the look, it damages the skin. Cleanse at least twice a day and choose a mild facial cleanser. Soak the facial cleanser in warm water, and then focus on cleaning the forehead and nose. Long-term adherence will improve the oil production rate of the skin.

2. Dry skin

If you have dry skin, then you don't need to use a facial cleanser in the morning, as a facial cleanser will remove much oil from your face.

Too little oil on the face can disrupt the normal structure of the skin. Without oil protection, your face can be red, itchy and dry after washing your face in the morning.

3. Normal skin

Normal skin is our ideal skin that looks soft and smooth. This type of skin is rare, but if you have normal skin, we recommend not using a face wash when you wash your face in the morning. Neutral skin has small pores and less secretions. Simple cleaning and care before going to bed can ensure cleanliness during sleep. Wash your face in the morning with just lukewarm water to avoid sensitive skin caused by cleansers.

If normal skin uses a face wash in the morning, don't use it at night. Face washes have deep cleansing powers, but harmful chemicals are unavoidable. Frequent use of facial cleanser can easily damage the secretion system and cause sensitive skin. The best way to care for normal skin is to properly hydrate it so that it is fully hydrated.

4. Combination skin

Combination skin is one of the most delicate types, and the combination of oily and dry requires careful care. Generally, the oily parts of combination skin are concentrated in the T-zone, which is the forehead, nose and chin. When washing your face in the morning, you can focus on cleaning the T-zone to prevent acne caused by oil accumulation. Take an appropriate amount of the cleanser in the palm of your hand, and gently spread on the T-zone.

Combination skin is dry, especially in the spring, except for the T-zone, the sides of the cheeks are prone to peeling. So, apply a moisturizing lotion to your cheeks and corners of your mouth at night to add moisture. When washing your face in the morning, use lukewarm water so as not to irritate the skin, and in dry areas, dry skin should be avoided.

What should I pay attention to when washing my face in the morning?

1. Be careful when washing your face in the morning and don't rub your skin too hard, which can irritate the skin and cause excess oil secretion. Usually used in combination with cleaning products and lightly pressed while rotating.

2. Be careful not to wash your face for too long in the morning. If you wash your face for too long, it is very likely that you will over-wash your face and the necessary facial oils will be washed away. If you wash your face for too long, you may also rub the washed out stains into your skin again.

The advantages and disadvantages of using hot and cold water to wash your face in the morning

1. The pros and cons of washing your face with hot water in the morning

Hot water dissolves easily in oil, which helps to open pores and deeply cleanse the face, but too hot temperatures can easily wash off the oily film that protects the face, causing the skin to become abnormally dry, which often leads to sagging and aging.

2. Advantages and disadvantages of washing your face with cold water in the morning

Washing your face with cold water in the morning can promote blood circulation and make the skin more elastic. Washing your face with cold water in the morning can stimulate the nerves and refresh the mind. Especially in winter, washing your face with cold water will enhance the resistance of the skin on your face. However, if the water is too cold, the pores will shrink, making it difficult to clean the dirt and oil hidden in the pores and more prone to breakouts.