how to do with baby colic? What are the symptoms?


For many novice parents, they are constantly groping on the way to take care of their babies, and there are a lot of problems, and they are also learning all the time. I'm sure many of you have heard of colic. What exactly is baby colic? I believe many people are still confused. What are the symptoms of baby colic? What are the ways to deal with colic in babies? Colic will cry more and more, and babies under 4 months are prone to colic. Sometimes colic occurs, and the parents don't know the cause or the way to relieve it. Let's take a look at how to deal with baby colic!
Causes of colic in babies
Colic in babies is one of the most unexplained phenomena in a baby's life. No one knows why some babies have more colic than others, but there are many theories about colic in babies. One reason may be that some babies have more immature or more sensitive digestive systems. There are very few digestive enzymes or juices in your baby's digestive tract that can break down food, especially amylase. Therefore, when the protein or sugar in breast milk or formula is too high, your baby may experience insufficient digestive juices, leading to bloating and stomach pain (baby colic). Also, babies swallow too much air when they cry, which can also lead to gas, which can lead to colic.
Some experts believe that prolonged crying in babies is a way of venting because their developing nervous systems are not yet able to handle the various stimuli of the environment very well. At night, some babies simply cannot accept the visual images, sounds, and sensations of their surroundings and need to cry to release it, which can cause colic when the baby swallows a lot of air.
In short, babies swallow a lot of air when they are breastfeeding, and more air when they cry, forming air bubbles that move through the intestines and cause abdominal pain. Overfeeding can over-inflate the stomach, causing discomfort and the baby crying when hungry. Babies who are allergic to cow's milk can cause colic in babies. Excited babies can also cause colic in response to various stimuli.
Symptoms of colic in babies
Symptom 1: When the baby has colic, there will be crying and constant kicking, and some babies will shake their heads. If the mother finds that the baby has these symptoms, It is likely to be caused by colic. It is common for babies to cry. Sometimes babies cry may be caused by colic.
Symptom 2: When the baby is crying with colic, there will be obvious abdominal distension and cold hands and feet. If your baby curls up when he cries, this is most likely a sign that your baby may have colic. The mother should correctly identify the baby's colic and take appropriate measures to relieve it.
Symptom 3: Baby colic does not last long, and colic usually occurs in babies less than 4 months old. If a newborn under 4 months continues to cry, it is most likely caused by the baby's colic. If the colic is not relieved, the baby will cry repeatedly, and the crying time is very long, especially when crying at night, be alert to the baby's colic.
What should I do if my baby has colic?
Method 1: Hot compresses can effectively relieve colic in babies. Applying a warm water bag to the baby's abdomen and gently massaging the baby's abdomen can promote the peristalsis of the baby's gastrointestinal function, and can effectively relieve the baby's abdominal distension and colic symptoms. By relieving the physical discomfort caused by colic, it can reduce the crying phenomenon of the baby.
Method 2: Proper massage can relieve baby's colic. Babies cry when they have colic. The mother can massage the baby's abdomen properly after rubbing with both hands, preferably in a clockwise direction. Massage the area clockwise on the baby's navel to help expel the gas in the intestines and relieve pain.
Method 3: When the baby has colic, the mother can pick up the baby, try to put the baby's head on the mother's shoulder, and then gently pat the baby's back, so that the baby can feel It is more comfortable and can relieve the pain caused by colic. It can also make the baby lie on the bed and gently pat the baby's back, which can also relieve the pain.
Colic is a relatively common phenomenon in newborns. Colic will cause the baby to cry more than once. Although crying is the baby's instinct, sometimes the baby should be alert to the problem of colic, especially when the baby is crying at night. Crying for a long time, the mother should pay attention to the possibility of colic, and take appropriate measures to relieve the baby's colic.
If you find that your child is struggling all the time, you need to carefully identify whether it is because of colic that your baby is uncomfortable. In order to better care for the physical and mental health of the baby, we should help the baby to do more exercise, so that the baby's body can be effectively cared for and maintained.