What skin damage does staying up late cause?


Many of us girls know that staying up late can cause skin damage, but sometimes staying up late can't help but stay up all night waiting for a new drama for a long time. Occasionally staying up late once or twice is fine, but staying up late for a long time can lead to various skin problems such as dark circles, acne, rough and dull skin, and fine lines. So unless necessary, it is best not to stay up late.

What will be caused by staying up late Skin damage?

1. Dark circles appear

If you stay up late, it will affect the blood circulation of the eyes, causing blood to collect in the lower eyelid, making the eyelid darker and dark circles appear.

2. Dry or scaly skin

Staying up late will slow down the skin's ability to catch water, slow down keratin metabolism, and promote the accumulation of stratum corneum, which is easy to cause dry and scaly skin.

3. Dull and edema of the skin

Staying up late or not getting enough sleep can affect your skin's blood circulation, resulting in dull, swollen skin.

4. Collagen loss

Staying up late can lead to faster loss of collagen, less elasticity of the skin, and facial skin that may be unsupportive and look older.

5. Large pores

Staying up late to promote oil secretion, large pores, easy to block pores, cause acne.


Why is there skin damage when staying up late?

Nighttime is the golden time for skin repair, and staying up late can interfere with skin repair. Sleeping late will affect the endocrine system, stimulate the active secretion of sebaceous glands, and increase oily skin. When you stay up late playing your phone, the blue light emitted by your phone can cause melanin pigmentation and accelerate the rate of skin aging. Routine disturbances can also affect the balance of gut flora and can lead to various skin problems such as melasma, age spots, dermatitis, eczema and hives.

So even if you stay up late, try to minimize skin damage! So how should those girls who often stay up late take care of their beauty? Here are some beauty and skincare tips to save your skin from staying up late, check it out if you're interested.

Suggestion 1: You can go to bed late, but not wash it late!

Beauty skin experts say that it is wrong for many girls to wash their faces before going to bed. The cleaning time is shortened as much as possible to maintain the skin according to the changes of the human body and the natural environment, reduce the burden on the skin, and prevent acne. Experts said that the cleaning products used when staying up late, it is best to use a skin care cleanser that can wash your face and remove makeup, which can quickly cleanse the facial skin, reduce pore dust, and say goodbye to your tired face when you sleep at night.


Suggestion 2: effective hydration

Sleeping at night can affect the skin's ability to absorb moisture. When you wake up the next morning, your skin will feel dry, so pay attention to hydration at night. So girls need to use a moisturizing cream after washing their face, and it is easily absorbed. If you can go with the massage, it will help your skin absorb nutrients!

Tip 3: Take a Vitamin C Supplement Before Bed

As long as girls who have a certain understanding of beauty and skin know the beauty and health care functions of vitamin C, they are simply "holy objects" for skin care. Staying up late will make the skin lose nutrients, so take vitamin C and collagen food before going to bed to supplement the nutrients lost by staying up late and increase the elasticity and luster of the skin!

Recommendation 4: Use essential oils to wake up skin moisture

Essential oils have many beauty and skin care properties, so if you know and use them well, your skin will be supple. Girls who stay up late can add lavender essential oil to hot water, steam their face with steam, and wash their face with warm water when the water temperature drops, which can effectively improve dull and dry skin. Girls who love staying up late and beauty may wish to try it too!