What to do with postpartum constipation? Can I take medicine? How to prevent?


According to the survey, most women are prone to hemorrhoids after giving birth. Hemorrhoids are mainly caused by an enlarged uterus in women, which can lead to insufficient blood supply and affect venous circulation. It can also cause poor blood flow and form hemorrhoids. So let's take a look: what to do with postpartum constipation? What medicine is better for postpartum constipation hemorrhoids? And how to prevent postpartum hemorrhoids.
What should I do with postpartum constipation?
Postpartum constipation solution Method 1: Analyze the cause of constipation and adjust your lifestyle.
Get into the habit of having a bowel movement on time. When there is an urge to defecate, it is necessary to defecate in time so as not to inhibit defecation. Repeatedly inhibiting defecation for a long time can lead to an increase in the threshold of defecation reflex, and the feeling of defecation disappears, leading to constipation. Quit smoking and drinking and avoid drug abuse.
Postpartum constipation solution Method 2: Promote a balanced diet, moderately increase dietary fiber, and drink plenty of water.
(1) High-fiber diet: Dietary fiber itself is not absorbed, it can absorb water in the intestinal lumen, increase the amount of stool, stimulate the colon, and enhance motility. Foods rich in dietary fiber include wheat bran or brown rice, vegetables, and pectin-rich fruits such as mangoes and bananas.
(2) Supplement water: Drink more water, it is recommended to drink more than 1500ml of water every day, so that the intestines can maintain enough water and facilitate the discharge of feces.
(3) Sufficient supply of B vitamins and folic acid: Foods rich in B vitamins can promote the secretion of digestive juice, maintain and promote intestinal peristalsis, and facilitate defecation. Such as whole grains, yeast, beans and their products. Among vegetables, spinach and cabbage contain a lot of folic acid, which has a good laxative effect.
(4) Increase gas-producing foods: Eat more gas-producing foods to promote intestinal peristalsis and facilitate defecation; such as onions, radishes, garlic sprouts, etc.
(5) Increase fat supply: Properly increase high-fat food, vegetable oil can directly moisten the intestines, and the decomposition product fatty acid can stimulate intestinal peristalsis. The nuts of dried fruits (such as walnuts, pine nuts, various melon seeds, almonds, peach kernels, etc.) contain a lot of oil, which has the effect of moistening the intestines and laxatives.
Postpartum constipation solution Method 3: The appropriate amount of exercise is mainly medical gymnastics, which can be combined with walking, jogging and abdominal self-massage.
(1) Medical gymnastics: is mainly to enhance the strength of abdominal muscles and pelvic muscles. Exercise method: standing position can do high leg walking, squat standing, abdominal and back exercise, kick exercise and body rotation exercise. In the supine position, you can take turns to lift one leg or both legs at the same time, lift it to 40°, stop for a while and then put it down. Alternately bend and extend your legs to simulate cycling, raise your legs in circles from the inside out, sit ups, etc.
(2) Fast walking, jogging: Promote intestinal peristalsis and help relieve constipation.
(3) Deep and long abdominal breathing: During breathing, the range of activity of the diaphragm is increased compared to usual, which can promote gastrointestinal motility.
(4) Self-massage of the abdomen: Lie on your back on the bed, bend your knees, rub your hands together for warmth, place your left hand on the navel, and place your right hand on the back of your left hand, and massage clockwise with the navel as the center. Do it 2-3 times a day for 5-10 minutes each time.
(5) Suction and push defecation method: Put your hands on your abdomen, contract your abdominal muscles to flatten your abdomen and widen your waist, which is called "sucking"; do the opposite, push your abdominal muscles toward your palms , this is called "push"; after 10 suction and push movements, do a long (3-5 seconds) push at the end. While doing this exercise, relax your pelvic floor muscles.
What medicine is good for postpartum constipation
Postpartum constipation medication will affect the baby's health to a certain extent, but in order to solve the mother's troubles, you can use some ointments, rubs or stool softeners; if postpartum hemorrhoids are serious, it is recommended to consult a doctor to see if surgery is required.
Postpartum constipation is also a common problem for mothers during breastfeeding. It is also because mothers are afraid that exercise will not be conducive to wound recovery, so gastrointestinal motility slows down, stool stays in the intestinal cavity for a long time, becomes dry over time, and defecation is more difficult, but don’t be afraid, you can refer to the following methods:
Prevention Postpartum constipation method 1: Pay attention to your diet for postpartum constipation. Eat more fruits and vegetables, mainly bananas, pears, and crude fiber vegetables; drink more honey, which can relax the bowels and laxatives; drink more water, accelerate gastrointestinal motility, promote digestion and absorption, and relieve constipation symptoms.
Prevention Postpartum constipation Method 2: Less exercise can easily lead to postpartum constipation, so mothers should strengthen exercise. Natural birth mothers can do more turning over activities, or they can gently massage the lower abdomen and move around more.
Postpartum hemorrhoids are one of the obstetric emergencies. This is because the abdominal pressure increases with the increase of the uterus after pregnancy, especially in the third trimester, the inferior vena cava is congested and dilated, especially in the process of childbirth, the uterine contraction gradually increases, and the mother is prone to hemorrhoids. Incarcerated hemorrhoids are more likely to occur when mothers hold their breath. After incarcerated hemorrhoids, internal hemorrhoids grow in the anus, the spasm of the sphincter cannot be reset by itself, and congestion and edema appear. The prolapsed core also stimulates the peripheral nerves around the anus, causing swelling and pain, and in severe cases, ischemia and necrosis may occur. The use of Chinese herbal medicines that clear heat and remove dampness, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, astringe, fumigate and wash hemorrhoids, improve local tissue blood circulation, and reasonable diet and nutrition can often achieve satisfactory curative effects on postpartum hemorrhoids, which can not only eliminate clinical symptoms, but also ensure long-term curative effect.
The treatment of postpartum hemorrhoids is mainly to improve the blood circulation of the local anal vein of hemorrhoids and promote venous return. There is also to prevent constipation. However, for postpartum women who are breastfeeding, many usually moist foods cannot be eaten freely, and medicines cannot be eaten at all. Therefore, experts in the field recommend that surgical treatment of postpartum hemorrhoids is effective and does not cause other adverse effects on the body.
Method for preventing postpartum hemorrhoids
Method 1 to prevent postpartum hemorrhoids: Regularly drink water and exercise. Due to postpartum blood loss, the intestinal fluid is deficient, causing constipation. Drinking more water and exercising can increase intestinal water, enhance intestinal peristalsis, and prevent constipation.
Method 2 to prevent postpartum hemorrhoids: Eat less spicy and fine foods, and eat more crude fiber foods. Some women are afraid of the cold after giving birth, so they add pepper to everything they eat, which is prone to postpartum hemorrhoids. Similarly, eating too many fine foods such as eggs will also cause dry stools and less volume, so that the stools stay in the intestines for a long time, which will not only cause postpartum hemorrhoids, but also be harmful to human health. Therefore, mothers’ food must be paired with foods with more cellulose such as celery and cabbage, so that there are more residues after digestion, and it is easy to excrete during stool. Postpartum should eat some foods rich in body fluids, such as honey, etc., to prevent dry stool, constipation, causing postpartum hemorrhoids.
Method 3 to prevent postpartum hemorrhoids: Change your underwear frequently and take a bath frequently. Not only keep the anus clean and avoid lochia stimulation, but also promote local blood circulation, eliminate edema, and prevent external hemorrhoids.
Method 4 to prevent postpartum hemorrhoids: Early defecation, early use of Kaisailu. Prenatal bowel habits should be resumed as soon as possible after delivery. Generally, defecate once within 3 days to prevent constipation; postpartum women, regardless of whether the stool is dry or not, must use Kaisailu to lubricate the stool during the first defecation to avoid tearing the skin of the anal canal and causing anal fissure.
Method 5 for preventing postpartum hemorrhoids: Strengthening local exercises for the anus: Improve physical fitness and correct bad sitting posture; avoid prolonged sitting, standing, and walking for a long time, and strengthen local exercises, such as doing more "levator anus exercises". Method: When inhaling, the anus is forced to inhale and lift up, tighten the anus, and relax when exhaling. Relax and tighten the anus 30 times each time, once in the morning and once in the evening.
Method 6 to prevent postpartum hemorrhoids: Adjust your diet: avoid constipation, eat more soluble fiber foods, such as: bananas, oats, whole grains, various vegetables, fruits, etc.; eat less spicy food such as peppers, and less alcohol. Eat less fruits that are easy to get angry: mango, durian, lychee, etc.
Method 7 to prevent postpartum hemorrhoids: Develop the habit of defecation once a day: This is very important, and each defecation is best controlled within 3 to 5 minutes. Drink a glass of warm water in the morning to help gastrointestinal motility and keep the stool smooth; if you can't bear to have a bowel movement, don't strain it too hard, and don't read books or newspapers when you go to the toilet.
Method 8 to prevent postpartum hemorrhoids: Keep the anus clean: Clean the anus after every bowel movement, especially when you have diarrhea, be sure to take a sitz bath with warm water. Change underwear frequently, do not wipe the anus with rough toilet paper, waste paper, etc. to avoid infection.