What should I pay attention to when applying a mask for hormone-dependent dermatitis


Is hormone face rash hard to get rid of? Hormone ointment is often used to treat skin allergies, but long-term use of hormone ointment, frequent wrong exfoliation, and some cosmetic concepts of skin peeling can easily cause hormone-dependent erythema dermatitis. So how to deal with red blood cells caused by hormone-dependent dermatitis?

Most women with hormone-dependent dermatitis have 3 skin care methods:

1. Excessive skin care: The number of patients with hormone-dependent dermatitis is gradually increasing. In fact, more and more women are striving for perfection, even harshness, in makeup, skincare and even dress. The skin care process is cumbersome, and the efficacy and brand of the skin care products used are different. Many beauty experts advise patients around them and act as skin care consultants. It is precisely because of the transition of care that hormones quietly enter the skin.

2. Frequent maintenance: The main cause of hormone-dependent dermatitis is that patients do not understand the functions and ingredients of cosmetics, and they apply them on the face, thereby causing hormone-dependent dermatitis. Because you are too worried about your skin problems or are too keen on facial maintenance, and do not fully understand the ingredients of cosmetics, it is easy to cause hormone-dependent dermatitis.

3. The pursuit of quick results: the demand for beauty is stronger than that of ordinary people! The temptation to quickly "whiten and rejuvenate the skin" cannot be rejected, and the trap behind the temptation cannot be reasonably considered, so I am deeply caught in it. Illegal addition of hormones has been exposed in quick-acting products for many times. The use of hormone-containing cosmetics for a long time will cause the skin to become weak in a short period of time. It is in perfect condition, but if the skin cannot stand the erosion of hormones, it will cause a series of skin problems such as redness, heat, pain, itching, acne, rash, water, scabs, red blood, enlarged pores and so on.


How to judge hormone-dependent dermatitis?

Symptoms of "hormone-dependent dermatitis" are similar to skin allergies, with intolerable redness and itching. When the seasons change and the temperature rises and falls sharply, the symptoms are often aggravated, and are often considered to be skin allergies due to the change of seasons.

After using skin care products containing hormones, the skin becomes very sensitive, the skin appears atrophy, thinning, telangiectasia, red blood, pigment spots, itching, acne, dryness, tight skin, severe peeling and other phenomena.


Hormone-dependent dermatitis Precautions for applying mask

When the skin becomes dehydrated, it will lose its vitality like hay, and problems such as acne, age spots, and increased melanin will naturally occur. As a result, the mask has become an artifact to prevent skin dehydration, and has been respected by thousands of women. However, there are many masks that contain "hormones". They can have effects on the skin, but can also be hormone-dependent.

There is nothing wrong with loving beauty, but you must not blindly love beauty, and you must be careful when whitening.

Note 1: For masks with significant "whitening" function

Masks with significant "whitening" properties often add excess heavy metals such as lead and mercury. Mercury is a depigmenting agent for the skin, and mercury compounds can disrupt the enzymatic activity of the epidermis and prevent the formation of melanin.

Lead oxide has a certain covering effect, and the whitening effect is remarkable. According to the National Hygiene Standard for Cosmetics, the maximum allowable mercury content in cosmetics is 1 mg/kg. If the whitening mask contains excessive mercury and lead, the whitening effect will be more obvious, and when the product is discontinued, the whitening effect will disappear, resulting in serious problems such as hirsutism, acne, moon face, osteoporosis, etc. The side effects will persist.

Note 2: How to choose a safe and non-irritating mask

Try to choose a product from a brand with a good reputation. Pay special attention to products that claim to whiten quickly or have a whitening effect in a short period of time. Special attention should be paid if there is a noticeable whitening effect on the face immediately after applying the mask.

In addition, it is more serious than after discontinuation, or allergic redness and swelling caused by switching to other brands of skin care products, it is necessary to consider hormone abnormalities. For example, a mask that costs a few dollars a piece is very cheap, and it makes sense to get what you pay for.


Skin care tips after applying the mask:

After applying the mask, wash off the nutrients from the face and remember to apply other skin care products. Otherwise, it will affect the skin's absorption of these skin care products. In addition, some nutrients in the mask can also cause skin sensitivity if they stay on the face for a long time. People with already sensitive skin are more prone to breakouts and red spots.