Can pregnant women use electric blankets? Will it affect the fetus?


In our daily life, many people like to use electric blankets to keep warm when the weather is cold. For many pregnant women, cold weather is especially likely to cause symptoms such as leg cramps. Many pregnant women also want to use electric blankets to keep warm, but they are afraid that it will have a certain impact on the fetus. Let's take a look at whether it is okay to use electric blankets during pregnancy? Does the electric blanket used by pregnant women have radiation, and what effect does the electric blanket used by pregnant women have on the fetus?
Is it ok for pregnant women to use electric blankets ?
In the cold winter, everyone is used to heating with electric blankets, but can pregnant women sleep with electric blankets? The answer is: It is okay for pregnant women to use electric blankets, but it is best to turn off the power when the bed is warm, and it is not advisable to use electric blankets all night.
Pregnant women may have miscarriages due to electric blankets, although the chances of miscarriage are very low. But from a medical point of view, the fetus is indeed very sensitive to temperature, and the high temperature outside will cause the uterus to contract and affect the fetal position. If you sleep on an electric blanket that is plugged in, the temperature of the electric blanket will continue to rise, and the body temperature of the pregnant mother will also rise, which may cause fetal developmental malformations or lead to miscarriage.
In the early stages of pregnancy, if the expectant mother cannot use the electric blanket scientifically, the fetal brain, nerves, bones and heart and other organs and tissues are most vulnerable to adverse effects. For every 1°C increase in the body temperature of pregnant women for 24 hours, the incidence of fetal malformations increases by 15%. For pregnant women, especially in the first trimester, high temperature can easily lead to fetal hypoxia, so doctors will especially instruct pregnant women not to use electric blankets when they are receiving consultations.
Will there be radiation from electric blankets used by pregnant women?
Although the electric blanket has less radiation, if the electric blanket is used for too long, it will cause symptoms such as physical fatigue and soreness of the limbs. Especially not suitable for pregnant women and children, so it is best to disconnect the power after warming up, and then go to bed. Be sure to turn off the power when not in use, as live electrical appliances still emit a lot of electromagnetic radiation.
In addition, household appliances should not be placed together, let alone used at the same time; unused appliances must be turned off, because electrified appliances will still generate a lot of electromagnetic radiation; after watching computers and TV for a long time, you should wash your face and hands in time; eat more Foods containing vitamin A, C and protein, such as carrots, cabbage, tofu, milk, eggs, etc., especially kelp, can enhance the ability to resist electromagnetic radiation; drink more tea, tea polyphenols and other substances in tea are conducive to radiation protection .
Pregnant women use What are the effects of electric blankets?
Electromagnetic radiation from electric blankets has a wide range of effects on human health, and can cause diseases such as nervous system diseases, reproductive system diseases, cardiovascular system diseases, immune function and vision. The main symptoms are headache, dizziness, memory loss, inability to concentrate, depression, irritability, menstrual disorders in women, breast cancer, skin aging, dyspnea, low back pain, etc. People who are often exposed to electromagnetic radiation are 2.93 times more likely to suffer from leukemia than normal people, and 3.26 times more likely to suffer from brain tumors.
Electromagnetic fields can also affect cell division in the fetus, causing defects in the baby's bones after birth. Studies have found that if pregnant women are exposed to heat or exercise vigorously in the early stages of pregnancy, when the body temperature rises by 2°C, the fetal brain cells will die, thereby affecting the development of the brain and making the baby mentally retarded after birth. Modern medical research also shows that human nerve tissue develops in 5-25 days of conception, the heart develops in 20-40 days of conception, and the limbs develop in 4-26 days of conception. During this period, the development of fetal tissues and organs may be affected due to the long-term effects of the night electric blanket.
The correct way to use electric blankets for pregnant women
The correct way for pregnant women to use electric blankets: Turn off the power when the quilt is warm
The use of electric blankets by pregnant women will affect the reproductive system, but it does not mean that there will be problems with electric blankets after one use. Scientifically using electric blankets is safe. Experts pointed out that a more scientific and feasible method is to warm the bed for a while before going to bed, turn off the electric blanket and unplug the power plug when going to bed, and avoid using it overnight. People who often use electric blankets should increase the amount of water they drink.
Winter Pregnant women should pay attention to the following points when using electric blankets:
Note 1: Electric blankets should not be in direct contact with the human body, and blankets or sheets can be placed on them.
Note 2: The electric blanket cannot be used on metal objects or hard objects with sharp protrusions.
Note 3: The electric blanket must be cut off when not in use to prevent accidents.
Note 4: Avoid repeated folding at the same position to prevent the heating wire from breaking due to folding and causing a fire. If it does not heat up after long-term use, it should be sent to the manufacturer for repair.
Note 5: The boot time should not be too long. Generally, turn on the power before going to bed and turn off the power when falling asleep. In any case, it cannot be used overnight.
Note 6: If pregnant women use electric blankets frequently, they should increase the amount of water they drink.