Can pearl powder really whiten the skin?


"Pearls were known as the beauty secret a thousand years ago" Grinding pearls into powder has long been the holy grail of royal beauty. During the Tang Dynasty, Concubine Yang used pearl powder every day to keep her skin smooth as jade. The Empress Dowager Cixi of the Qing Dynasty insisted on using pearl powder, even in her later years, "like a girl". Cleopatra even mixes olive oil, olive leaf juice, honey and pearl powder every day, rubs the whole body, and keeps the skin smooth like a girl, white and soft~

Even now, skin care products containing "pearl powder" can not only whiten, but also have moisturizing, anti-aging, purifying, repairing and other effects, which are used by everyone.

Pearl skin beauty has been sought after by skin care professionals for thousands of years, but it has also been controversial. Can pearl powder really whiten? Today, I will tell you whether it can be whitened in a scientific way~

Is there any difference between pearl powder and limestone?

The chemical composition of natural diamonds is 99.95% carbon, can diamonds be called coal? of course not!

Calcium carbonate in pearl powder is qualitatively different from calcium carbonate in limestone. There are only two types of calcium carbonate in nature, calcite and aragonite. Limestone is a calcium carbonate with calcite as the main component, while pearl powder is calcium carbonate with an aragonite structure.

Does this make any difference? Of course there is a difference! The calcite structure calcium carbonate in limestone is not biologically active and belongs to the mineral group. The agar-structured calcium carbonate contained in pearl powder does not belong to minerals, but is biologically active, and the free calcium ions can promote the repair of skin barrier function.

What ingredients does pearl powder contain?

First, let's clarify. If you want to whiten, you need to reduce melanin. The less melanin, the whiter the skin.

The main component of pearl powder is not only calcium carbonate, but also 22 kinds of trace elements, 19 kinds of amino acids, taurine, low molecular active peptides, B vitamins, making your skin more beautiful!

1. Pearl powder contains B vitamins

B vitamins are also known as "beauty vitamins." It has the ability to block melanin, which can separate melanin from its source. Not only that, B vitamins B2 and B12 are also "buy one get more" to improve dull skin and eliminate blemishes and wrinkles.

2. Pearl powder contains manganese, copper, zinc and selenium

The three trace elements of manganese, copper and zinc contained in pearl powder are the components of superoxide dismutase (SOD), which can promote the activity of SOD in human skin, inhibit the synthesis of melanin, and maintain the increase of beautiful skin.

Selenium in trace elements is the most effective anti-radical and antioxidant element. Its anti-free radical ability is about 500 times that of vitamin E and vitamin C. Selenium is the main substance for the production of glutathione peroxidase, which, like SOD, can scavenge free radicals, promote metabolism, reduce melanin production and improve skin tone.

3. Pearl powder contains B vitamins

Glycine is a glutathione component synthesized by the human body, among which glutathione promotes collagen regeneration, has antioxidant effects, inhibits the production of melanin, and can whiten and brighten the skin.

4. Pearl powder contains taurine

The non-protein amino acid taurine can phagocytose melanin and enhance the ability of macrophages to play a whitening effect. In addition, it can also improve the immunity of skin cells and improve the biological activity of skin cells. That is what we often say - activate new skin!

Can pearl powder really whiten it?

Many people say that using pearl powder will lead to whitening, mainly because the "false white" of calcium carbonate remains on the face.

External use of pearl powder, whether it is pearl cream or pearl toner, should be supplemented with water. Pearl powder penetrates the skin and quickly removes oxidized oils. So, if you wash off the pearl powder mask, the whiteness will be particularly clear.

However, pearl powder is not only a short-term cleanser, 19 amino acids and 22 trace elements help to condition the skin long-term. It boosts skin metabolism, removes dead skin cells and enhances skin radiance.

Pearl powder can be whitened, but not all of them can be whitened. The whitening effect is affected by the fineness of pearl powder, breeding environment, and breeding years.

The finer the pearl powder, the better the whitening effect. Why do so many people have various problems such as acne, inflammation, and oil? Because the pearl powder you buy is rough, it can only stay on the surface, tighten the pores, not to mention destroy its beauty and appearance.