Why do I need to wash my face after applying normal saline?


Yesterday, a sister with sensitive skin asked for help and chatted for a long time, from work to skin care. In fact, every woman has a beautiful dream. Everyone wants to be beautiful, and no one wants to put up with a red, acne-prone face.

The repair plan given included applying saline to the face, but she asked if she needed to wash her face after applying, and she replied seriously that she needed to wash her face with clean water.

What is normal saline?

Normal saline is not your home saline. Refers to 0.9% sodium chloride aqueous solution. So why do we need such precise concentrations? The osmotic pressure at this concentration is similar to that of normal human plasma, cells and interstitial fluid, so it will not cause cell dehydration or excessive water absorption to cause rupture.

Ordinary saline is a very useful first aid product for rotten faces, allergies, oily and acne-prone skin because it has the following characteristics:

1. Clean oil control

Physiological saline can remove oil, acne, blackheads, etc. from the facial skin very well, remove aging keratin and dirt hidden in the skin, and keep the face clean and fresh.

2. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory

This is the most important function of normal saline. Salt can effectively sterilize and reduce inflammation and prevent the growth of bacteria on the facial skin. For some people with seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, atopic dermatitis, hormone-dependent dermatitis, and other diseases, doctors recommend the use of normal saline to eliminate inflammation.

3. Astringent and soothing

If you have allergies and your skin is red, you can also apply a saline compress to your face to relieve and soothe the redness. This soothes fragile skin, shrinks pores and smoothens skin.


There are two main ways to use saline

1. The first method is to wash your face with facial cleanser or water after washing your hands, then apply normal saline to your face, massage gently and rinse off with water. If the stratum corneum is relatively fragile, you can also soak it with gauze/cotton cloth, wipe it gently after drinking the normal saline, and rinse it off.

2. The second method is to compress and soak the medical gauze with normal saline, or soak the face with the compress for about 10 minutes, and then rinse it off with water. No matter how you use it, remember to rinse with water at the end.


So why is it recommended to wash your face after applying salt water?

If you don't wash your face, the saline will stay on your face and dry naturally, the skin on your face will lose moisture, and the skin will become dry and firm. And apply moisturizer after washing your face.

Here are some things to note:

1. Face application time: At night, the secretion of sebum is strong, and in the morning, sebum accumulates on the face, so it is best to choose after breakfast.

2. Pay attention to washing your hands: You have a lot of germs on your hands, so wash your hands before applying to your face to prevent them from getting on your face.

3. Wounds on the face: Avoid saline-soaked compresses to avoid irritating the skin.

4. Don't use it too often: A compress moistened with saline can reduce inflammation, but it shouldn't be used for a long time. Regular use can cause dryness, tension, and thinning of the stratum corneum, weakening the skin's barrier function.


Precautions for applying normal saline to the face

Since normal saline has high requirements for sterility, it is recommended to use it as soon as possible (preferably within 14 days) after opening. For face pack, you can choose 250 ml bottle. If you use it to wash your face, you can choose a small bottle that is convenient and hygienic.

Ordinary saline is cheap and easy to use, but I want to tell you that this is not skin care, but a first aid medicine for a bad face. We do not recommend that you use normal saline on your face for extended periods of time. After long-term use, after the skin moisture evaporates, the salt concentration will rise, which will cause the stratum corneum to lack water, the skin will become dry, and even the skin barrier will be damaged.

In addition, applying normal saline on the face for a long time can cause the skin to be over-hydrated, prone to sensitive skin, and cause facial redness, rashes, and even other symptoms of a rotten face. In addition, ordinary saline can control oil, astringe, and sterilize, but it cannot remove acne and close the mouth. Acne formation is associated with P. acnes infection, excess oil and waste on the face to clog pores, and damage to the skin barrier. Saline is only suitable for facial cleansing, it does not eliminate acne.