How to Moisturize Dry Skin


Dry and peeling skin in winter is a problem for many women. Today, I will share with you some ways to solve the dry and peeling skin in winter. let's see.
Causes of dry skin in winter
1 .Excessive body fat
Now many people like fried and spicy food. In addition to being delicious, these foods are also rich in fat, and accelerated aging is nothing new. Too much fat can make you fat and damage your arteries, causing some cells in your body to malfunction and even become cancerous. So if you don't want to age yourself prematurely, it's best to eat a healthy diet and avoid processed fried foods.
2. Don't like drinking water
The main cause of dry skin is lack of water. Insufficient water in the body, the skin is naturally dehydrated. Adequate moisture supply is the key to skin care. Therefore, it is recommended that men who do not like to drink water should be able to convince themselves to drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water a day, preferably plain water, carbonated drinks or caffeinated drinks.
3. Often stay up late
Insufficient sleep will lead to the dysfunction of skin cell regulation. Insufficient sleep can easily manifest on the face, especially the skin around the eyes, so it is very important to ensure a sweet and sufficient sleep, sleep at least 8 hours a day, refuse to stay up late, and do a good job of skin care.
4. Frequent constipation and irregular bowel movements
Constipation can make your skin look worse. Because the toxins in the body cannot be excreted normally, they have been accumulating in the body, allowing the body to absorb a large amount, resulting in a continuous decline in the body's resistance, and the skin will naturally dry out. It looks like the surface of Mars.
What to do with dry skin in winter?
1. Drink enough water
While drinking water is something everyone can do, not everyone can drink it the right way. The skin needs to drink water, and there must be enough water. Nowadays, the concept of drinking water for many people is that they will not drink water if they are not thirsty, and even set a record of not drinking water for several days. In fact, it's not good. Drinking enough water every day is the basis of skin hydration, at least ensure that you can drink 2,000 ml of water every day, which will help keep your skin supple.
2. Take good care of skin care time
While many people do skincare every day, not all methods are correct. Especially in the skin care time at night, many people always feel that skin care is better before going to bed, so even if they take a bath early, they will wait until they are going to sleep before skin care, but this is not good. When the skin is dry, the water evaporates at this time. Very fast, so hydrate the skin in time and apply a serum or at least some moisturizing lotion in time.
3. Pay attention to your diet
In daily life, we should pay attention to eat more vegetables and fruits, whole grains or supplement some vitamins and other nutrients. These foods are great for your skin and essential for nourishment in your body. But remember to eat less spicy food. Foods that emphasize taste are not only prone to anger, but also accelerate the loss of moisture from the skin, so eat them sparingly.
4. Correct use of skin care methods
Although there are many kinds of skin care products, there are many choices to choose from, but you still need to choose some moisturizing products that are suitable for your skin type. And when cleaning the skin, you can choose the way of alternating hot and cold water, which can also help you with skin care.
5. Get enough sleep
Adequate sleep can not only help restore our physical functions, but also inhibit our spirits and play a good role in preventing dry skin. But most young people these days are a family that sleeps late. There is no such thing as going to bed early and getting up early, but staying up late is not good. Going to bed early and getting up early is the right choice.