Can acid brushing really whiten acne?


It seems to be slowly heating up recently. Woke up these two mornings with my T-zone sticky and shiny and the blackheads on my nose started moving again.
It seems that the season of strong sebum secretion is coming, and many oil-skinned friends are also beginning to face the problem of clogged pores and accumulation of dead skin cells.
When you are still worrying about these skin conditions, advanced skin care players can play "brushing acid".

The job of "brushing acid" is neither difficult nor easy. If you want to try it out or just don't know how to get started, check out this article.

What kind of skin is suitable for acid wash?
To start acid brushing, first you need to know what kind of skin needs acid brushing.

Generally speaking, the skin with strong oil secretion, severe acne, aging skin, large pores, and severe keratinization of the hair circumference needs more acid brushing. If you have sensitive skin and are accompanied by the above conditions, it is recommended that you solve the problem of sensitive skin first, and then consider brushing acid.

Classification of acids
The "acid" we mean by "brush acid" is not hyaluronic acid, tranexamic acid or amino acid, but low-concentration salicylic acid, fruit acid and other acids that can exfoliate.
Salicylic acid
Salicylic acid is a relatively common acid, and friends with acne-prone skin may be familiar with it. This acid is actually extracted from willow bark, and even medical aspirin is a derivative of salicylic acid.
Originally a fat-soluble acid with strong skin-friendly ability, it can penetrate deep into pores and remove excess oil secreted by sebaceous glands. But with the development of product technology, water-soluble salicylic acid, namely "super salicylic acid", has also appeared. This salicylic acid is milder than traditional salicylic acid and can be tried even by sensitive skin.
Skin concerns:Blackheads, pimples and pimples, high oil production
The biggest difference between AHA and salicylic acid is that AHA is a water-soluble acid. These include the well-known glycolic acid, malic acid, citric acid, lactic acid, and others.
The medical "fruit acid peeling" uses more than 20% fruit acid to make the skin as white and tender as a peeled egg. Like this high concentration of fruit acid, everyone must go to a professional medical beauty institution or a hospital dermatology department to use it, and cannot try it at home.
Skin concerns: Keratosis around hair, aging skin, enlarged pores