Is it normal to lose a lot of hair every day?


Healthy and beautiful hair can make women look more attractive and attractive. Although most women have hair problems, there are also cases where hair is healthy, such as losing 50-100 hairs a day, thick, soft, elastic, and growing steadily. Beauty-loving women can take this as a basis for maintenance.

1. What hair signs are normal?
1. Daily hair loss
Hair has its growth cycle, including anagen, mid-growth, and telogen. It is normal to lose 50-100 hairs a day. Therefore, daily hair loss on your pillow or clothing does not mean that your hair is brittle or has an underlying problem.
2. Bouncy hair
Another hallmark of healthy hair is elasticity. Elasticity is a measure of how far a lock of hair can stretch and how well it can return to its original state. Healthy hair stretches but doesn't break and easily returns to its original state.
3. Thick Soft Hair
Healthy hair should be thick, soft, and have a natural shine. Conversely, if your hair is thin, stiff, and prone to breakage, that's a sign of unhealthy hair.
4. Stable hair growth
As part of the growth cycle, each hair strand on the skull grows 1-1.25 cm per month and the sides and back grow 1.5-12 cm per month. So steady growth is the hallmark of healthy hair.
5. Hydration is important

Dry hair is another common problem for most people. It looked rough, lifeless, and lost all its luster. So if your hair is well hydrated and doesn't look dry, it's healthy.

Second, women's tips on how to care for their hair
1 .No need to wash your hair every day
If your hair doesn't get greasy every day, you don't need to wash it every day. The natural oils in the hair protect the scalp from UV rays.
2. Avoid excessive pulling
In addition to perming and coloring your hair, styling is one of the ways to make your look look good. But be very careful when styling, don't pull on your hair too much, which can cause it to break.
3. Try to avoid dyeing and scalding
While perming your hair can make you look shinier and more beautiful, applying chemicals to your hair too often can damage your hair and scalp and affect your hair quality.
4. Avoid chemicals
Scented shampoos, conditioners, and styling products are mostly chemical, and regular use of these products can damage the scalp, affect hair health, and even lead to skin cancer.
5. Sunscreen for hair too
Many women neglect sun protection for their hair, but hair can also be damaged by UV rays, leading to scalp damage and dry hair. Therefore, it is best to use a sunscreen spray on your hair or wear a hat when you go out.