How to take care to make the skin whiter?


Skin whitening generally requires two methods: internal and external support. Internal adjustment, such as eating more foods rich in vitamin C such as lemon, apple, and broccoli, pay attention to long-term adherence to be effective, and you can also eat more healthy foods. Materials DIY whitening mask, such as pearl powder, honey, vinegar, egg liquid, etc., can be tried. Skin whitening requires long-term adherence to be effective. In addition to the clichéd sugar tea water whitening method, try the beer whitening method, the vegetable whitening method, and the vinegar and egg whitening method.

I. Whitening method: DIY whitening mask
1. Sugar tea water whitening method
Put an appropriate amount of black tea leaves into the mask bowl, then add a small amount of brown sugar, brew with boiling water, pour in a little flour after cooling, stir well into a paste, apply it directly on the face after application, wash off after 15 minutes, Long-term adherence has a good whitening effect, and can also eliminate acne on the face and remove excess oil.
2. Beer whitening method
Beer has a variety of beauty and skin care effects, not only can shrink pores, but also effectively whiten. Just take a small amount of beer into the mask bowl, then dip a cotton gauze or cotton pad in the beer, wring it out slightly, and apply it to your face. Become firm and smooth, long-term adherence can achieve whitening effect.
3. Tomato honey whitening
First mash the tomatoes into a paste, then add an appropriate amount of honey and stir into a paste, apply evenly on the face or hands, wait for 15 minutes and wash off. Do this 1-2 times a week.
4. Whitening with vinegar and eggs
Take a fresh egg, wash it, and soak it in 500ml of white vinegar for a month. After the eggshell is dissolved in the vinegar solution, take a small tablespoon of the solution and mix it with a cup of boiling water, stir well and take it, one cup a day. Long-term use of vinegar and egg liquid can make the skin smooth and delicate, and achieve a good whitening effect.
5. Pearl powder whitening

First take 3 tablespoons of pearl powder and a vitamin E capsule, mix them together, add an appropriate amount of water and stir well, then apply it directly on the face, wait for 20 minutes, and then wash the face, so that a good whitening effect can be achieved.

Two, eat more food with whitening effect
1. Lemon
We all know that drinking lemon water is good for the body. Rich in vitamin C, in addition to whitening, drinking more lemon water can also help freckle!
2. Apple
Apple is also a very common whitening food, rich in vitamins. In addition to helping whitening, apples can also help lose weight! Because apples have a strong sense of satiety, it is not easy to feel hungry after eating.
3. Broccoli
Broccoli is rich in vitamins and carotene. In addition to whitening, it also has anti-aging properties. Eating more can also be effective against cancer. It is a vegetable with high nutritional value and very healthy!
4. Cucumber

I believe everyone is familiar with cucumber whitening. Cucumber can also be used for face application. It is easy to operate and has a good skin care effect.

Third, if it is still not white, there may be the following reasons:
Cause 1: Excessive production of melanin
People who don’t like sunscreen and people with fair skin will be exposed to UV rays for a long time, which can easily damage the stratum corneum of the skin, resulting in uneven arrangement of the stratum corneum of the skin, resulting in a rough skin surface and dull complexion.
Cause 2, Keratin Oxidation
Long-term exposure to ultraviolet rays, electromagnetic waves, computer screens, smoking and other air pollution environments can easily stimulate the production of excessive free radicals in the body, leading to the aging of the stratum corneum, and oxidation of the stratum corneum will also make the skin look dull and dull. .
Cause 3, Aged keratin accumulation
Dead keratin from old skin accumulates on the surface without normal metabolism, causing the skin to feel rough and making it difficult for melanin to metabolize. This type of skin dullness may be accompanied by enlarged pores and frequent oil secretion. If you don't remove the old dead skin cells properly, no matter how much whitening skin care products are rubbed, it will be difficult for them to enter the skin and be absorbed.
Reason 4. Insufficient skin moisturizing ability
Whitening always goes hand in hand with moisturizing. Well-hydrated skin will appear transparent and elastic, and the effect of whitening products will be better. For skin that lacks moisture, the regulating function of the stratum corneum will decline, and the resistance to sun exposure and pollution will be significantly weakened, resulting in dull skin.
Cause 5. Decreased blood oxygen content
When the oxygen level in the blood is low, it appears dull. The reason for this poor complexion may be malnutrition and partial eclipse, which make the human body lack the nutrients needed for hematopoiesis. Therefore, it is important to adjust a balanced nutritional intake, appropriate aerobic exercise, and use active whitening skin care products that can promote cell circulation. Can effectively correct dull skin tone.
Cause 6: Irregular work and rest
Irregular work and rest will lead to a decline in the body's metabolic ability, affect the production and metabolism of melanin, reduce the repair ability of the epidermis, and may also cause endocrine disorders, thereby affecting the quality of the skin. Sleep time at night is the time for skin renewal and repair. Both the growth of new cells and the elimination of aged keratinocytes occur during "cosmetic sleep". Sleeping too late or not getting enough sleep can make the metabolism function less smoothly, resulting in the accumulation of aging keratinocytes. When thickened, the skin naturally loses its translucency and takes on a dull gray appearance.