Why are eye bags getting heavier?


Bags under the eyes are something that many people worry about. When bags under the eyes appear under the eyes, it will have a great impact on the appearance of the whole person. What Causes Eye Bags? What types can it be divided into? How can we get rid of eye bags? Regarding these issues, let's read the following articles together.


What causes bags under the eyes?
1. Genetic factors.
There is a certain genetic predisposition to the phenomenon of eye bags. If your parents have under-eye bags, then you are likely to have hereditary under-eye bags, also known as congenital under-eye bags.
2. Lack of sleep.
Long-term lack of sleep and excessive fatigue in life will cause the metabolism of the skin around the eyes to slow down, and the collagen and elastic fibers will begin to slowly lose. And it will affect the normal circulation around the eyes, it is easy to cause eye bags.
3. Age factor.
There is also a strong link between the occurrence of eye bags and age, increasing gradually with age. The supporting force of the muscles around the eyes will gradually weaken, and the skin will gradually sag and sag. In this case, bags under the eyes will naturally appear.

There are more than one type of eye bags, which can be roughly divided into three categories: muscle type, fat type and loose type. Muscle-type eye bags are relatively rare and will not be repeated here; fat-type eye bags are mainly concentrated in the eyes. Some parts of the face are also accompanied by slight tear troughs and dark circles. The skin on the rest of the face is generally firm and free of wrinkles. This kind of eye bags is mainly seen in young people, and some people who stay up late for a long time and are short-sighted are more. ; The entire lower eyelid has saggy bags that are large and bloated. Most people with this type of eye bags also have signs of aging such as sagging, wrinkles and fine lines, which are more common in middle-aged and older adults.


After understanding the types and causes of eye bags, let's learn how to get rid of eye bags?
After eye bags appear, it is actually very difficult to get rid of them. Eye bags caused by some daily bad habits can start to improve these bad habits. For example, keep enough sleep time, don't overuse your eyes, etc. Adhering to these good habits can be effective in the prevention and treatment of eye bags.
Eye bags caused by genetics, natural aging and other reasons cannot be removed by daily methods. In this case, most of them can only seek the help of medical aesthetics for treatment.
From the above we can see that once the bags under the eyes appear, it is very difficult to remove unless you do some medical and aesthetic projects. Therefore, we must use our eyes reasonably in life, and avoid staying up late for a long time, rubbing the skin around the eyes, etc. The skin around the eyes is very delicate and must be taken care of. Thoroughly removes makeup to avoid a range of eye problems caused by residual makeup around the eyes. We must take good care of our eye skin!