I sleep well every day, why are there dark circles under my eyes?


If "fat" is a woman's enemy on day one, then "Panda Eye" "It is the enemy of the second day! Why? Because dark circles always make people look haggard and aging. Therefore, in order to prevent the appearance of dark circles, many people will ensure that they have enough sleep every day.

However, some people still get dark circles even after getting eight hours of sleep a day. This is very annoying. In fact, the formation of dark circles is not only due to lack of sleep, but may also be the result of a medical condition.


4 types of diseases can cause dark circles
1 .kidney deficiency
The dark circles caused by kidney deficiency are manifested as the lack of vitality in the eyes and the appearance of dark circles. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that dark circles are caused by kidney deficiency. If the kidney essence is insufficient, the eyes will lack the nourishment of the essence, and black pigment will appear on the skin, resulting in dark circles. Therefore, it is recommended to develop good living habits and avoid excessive sex life.
2. Liver disease
Dark circles caused by liver disease often appear as dark pigmentation on the eyes and even on the face. Liver disease, especially chronic liver disease, the long-term abnormal liver function will hinder blood circulation, causing blood to pool around the eyes, causing dark circles.
3. Rhinitis
Under-eye dark circles may also be related to rhinitis. The dark circles caused by rhinitis appear as dullness around the eyes, or even edema of the eyes. This is because frequent sneezing and nasal discharge can cause blood to return to the sinuses under the eyes, causing dark circles to appear. In addition, eye edema can also be caused due to a delayed reaction of the subcutaneous tissue of the skin around the eye.
4. Gynecological diseases
Insufficient qi and blood in women can lead to irregular menstruation such as dysmenorrhea, heavy or too little menstrual flow, and make the blood in the body run poorly, causing the blood to deposit on the face and cause dark circles under the eyes. In addition, if you have dark circles under your eyes caused by long-term lack of qi and blood, you should be alert to ovarian disease.

It can be seen that there are many reasons for the formation of dark circles, so how can we reduce the appearance of dark circles?


4 Ways to Reduce Dark Circles
1. Cultivate good living habits. To reduce dark circles, it is necessary to develop good living habits, do not smoke and drink, do not stay up late, combine work and rest, properly release stress, ensure the detoxification of the body, and let the garbage and toxins in the body be excreted in time, so as to maintain good skin.
2. Ensure adequate sleep. While dark circles are not necessarily linked to lack of sleep, getting enough sleep is an important part of good health. At least 7 hours of sleep should be guaranteed every day. Soothing your feet or listening to music before going to bed can help improve sleep quality and make it better.
3. Patients with rhinitis should pay attention to personal hygiene in daily life, keep the indoor environment clean and airy, try to avoid contact with allergens that can cause rhinitis, and regularly wash and dry clothes and bedding to reduce the chance of rhinitis.
4. Patients with gynecological diseases who have symptoms of poor blood circulation should pay attention to maintaining enough high-quality sleep and do moderate exercise to speed up the body's blood circulation. You can also eat some foods rich in protein or trace elements, such as eggs, to supplement the nutritional needs of the body. Of course, if gynecological diseases or other chronic diseases are more serious, you should go to the hospital in time to avoid the aggravation of the disease.
The appearance of dark circles may be the body's way of alerting us to certain diseases. We need to understand the reasons for the appearance of dark circles, so that we can better remove dark circles and ensure our health.