How can I get rid of anxiety?


In social life, we will inevitably encounter some headaches, and people will become anxious. So, what should we pay attention to when it comes to anxiety? What should we do when we have anxiety?

1. Relax yourself
That is, release from tension. For example, if you are in good spirits, imagine all possible dangerous scenarios and let the weak come first. And repeat, you'll slowly think of any dangerous scenarios, or no longer experience anxiety throughout the process. At this point, it will be terminated.
2. Self-reflection

Some neurotic anxiety is caused by people repressing certain emotional experiences or desires, inadvertently, but it does not disappear, it is still lurking in the unconscious, resulting in obstacles. In anxiety, you only know the pain and anxiety, but not the cause. So in this case, you have to do self-reflection and tell the subconscious what is causing the pain. You can vent if necessary, and symptoms usually go away after venting.

3. Self-stimulation

Often, people with anxiety disorders are cranky, become restless, and stop thinking about things if we distract them with self-stimulation. For example, when you think about things, you can find an interesting book to read that can attract you, or you can do some physical work to forget what made you think about things, so that you can prevent you from thinking about things again or triggering other illnesses.

4. Enhance self-confidence

Self-confidence is a necessary prerequisite for addressing neurotic anxiety. Some people who don't have self-confidence in themselves are skeptical of their ability to get things done and deal with, exaggerating the possibility of their failure, which creates worry, tension, and fear. Therefore, as a person with neurotic anxiety disorder, you must first be confident and reduce your inferiority complex. You should believe that every time you increase your self-confidence, your anxiety level will decrease a little bit, and your self-confidence will be restored, which means that you will eventually banish your anxiety.

5. Mind Reshaping Method
Using this method, people can subconsciously change their thoughts and purify their minds. Patients can often close their eyes to meditate, let their mind settle down, and re-examine their own heart by observing breathing, so that anxiety and tension can be slowly restored to calm.
6. The method of distraction
When an anxiety disorder occurs, the patient's thoughts tend to focus on one thing, and the more concentrated it is, the more anxiety symptoms will aggravate. So people should learn to divert their attention, find something else to do, or get out of a place for a while, which can relieve the symptoms of anxiety.
7. Exercise therapy
Exercise therapy is very simple. When people are anxious, they can relax their brains and limbs through running, aerobics, yoga, and other exercises, and their anxiety symptoms will naturally ease.