What should I do if my child has eczema?


The baby's skin is fragile and delicate. Parents and friends must pay attention to the baby's skin care to avoid harming the baby's skin. Experts remind that babies are prone to childhood eczema, a skin disease that can damage the baby's skin. If not handled properly, it is likely to cause more harm to the baby. In order to protect the baby's skin and to better treat the disease, parents should do the following.


1. For babies with eczema, it is very important to keep the skin dry, so Parents must pay attention to bathing the baby, should use warm water, and can not use toiletries containing alkaline substances. When taking a bath, parents should pay special attention to the affected area of ​​the baby's skin. If you apply bath products, you must rinse it off.

2. If the baby suffers from eczema, external stimuli will cause more damage to the baby's skin. The external stimuli will cause more damage to the baby's skin. Therefore, parents must pay special attention to the environment around the baby, and pay attention to changes in hot and cold temperature and humidity. At the same time, parents should also pay more attention to the choice of baby's clothes, as wool, silk and nylon are not suitable for babies with infantile eczema.


3. The baby's fingernails are small and thin, but very sharp, sometimes the baby scratches unintentionally Possibly hurt yourself. For babies who already suffer from eczema, scratching can aggravate the condition, so parents should often help babies trim their nails.
After the baby suffers from infantile eczema, many things should be paid attention to in daily life. Experts remind that only careful care can make the baby's skin recover better. Experts remind the majority of parents not to use ointments containing hormones on babies with eczema, so as not to further stimulate the baby's skin and cause more serious damage to the baby.