4 Reasons and 3 Benefits of Drooling in Babies


When the baby reaches a certain stage, there will be more drooling. Some new parents look very anxious and don't know if there is any disease. So what is the reason for the baby's drooling? Whether it is a normal physiological phenomenon or there are some diseases, parents must carefully observe and summarize, and help children do a good job of nursing in daily life, which can also help children avoid the symptoms of eczema around the lips.


What's up with the drooling baby?

1.Physiological factors

Babies frequently drool, and it is necessary to clarify the reasons. Sometimes it is because the salivary gland cells of babies are not fully developed, and saliva has a certain protective effect on the oral cavity, so a lot of drooling occurs, which is a normal physiological phenomenon. No special treatment is required, and there is no need to worry too much. As long as you take good care of your life, dry it in time when you drool, and protect the skin around your mouth to avoid infection or eczema. If you drool a lot and always wet your clothes, you can wear a bib, and then put a layer of waterproof function under it, which can not only prevent the clothes from getting wet, but also keep the hygiene around the mouth.


What's up with the baby's drooling? Unreasonable diet can also cause your baby to drool, such as eating sweet and sour foods, because such foods will promote the secretion of saliva. Therefore, you should arrange your diet reasonably and avoid eating too many sweet and sour foods. The diet should be light, eat more green leafy vegetables and fruits, mix meat and vegetables, and the thickness is appropriate.

3. Suffering from disease

Damp heat in the spleen and stomach can cause drooling in children, and parents should pay attention to their children's physique. Increased salivation can also occur when you have gingivitis, mouth sores, or a fever. In addition, when there is a nervous system damage disease, saliva secretion and swallowing ability will also be reduced, resulting in uncoordinated and drooling. Observe the child's physical symptoms, if there are obvious abnormalities, go to the hospital in time to find out the cause, and carry out targeted treatment.

4. Teething period

What's up with the baby's drooling? Drooling is normal if your child is teething. During the teething period, local itching stimulates the secretion of salivary glands, resulting in increased drooling. You can choose a rubber stick for your child to relieve the itching during teething period. In addition, to maintain oral hygiene, you can drink water properly after drinking milk every time, you can clean your mouth. Parents can also put gauze on their fingers and gently wipe the teeth and gums with a small amount of water, which can remove food residues in the mouth in time, reduce the problem of drooling, and prevent oral problems.


BabyBenefits of Drooling


Baby drooling is not necessarily a bad thing, sometimes it is beneficial. When the baby first teeth, the gum tissue is inevitably swollen and painful, and the cusps are relatively fragile. At this time, the baby's drooling can play a lubricating role and prevent inflammation around the teeth. .


Baby saliva can play a cleaning role. Baby saliva can keep the mouth moist and clean. It can also clean the baby's newly grown teeth and prevent the formation of tooth decay.


When the baby is drooling, parents should not worry too much. They should know that saliva can promote the development of the baby's taste buds, thereby increasing the baby's appetite; it can also promote the activities of the lips and tongue, so that the baby can speak as soon as possible; it can promote the maturity and perfection of swallowing.