3 Reasons Why Babies Don't Sleep Well


Sleep is very important for a little baby. Adequate sleep can make a baby full of life, and only a baby who gets enough sleep can grow and develop better. Therefore, health experts remind parents to pay attention to the baby's sleep. But some babies are reluctant to sleep at night and often wake up until midnight, which makes parents a headache. what on earth is this kind of happenings? Experts point to finding out why your baby won't sleep at night to better address the problem.


What causes babies to sleep poorly at night?

1. related to disease

If the baby does not sleep well at night and cries, the mother must consider the factors of the disease. Many types of diseases are not easy to be found with the naked eye, such as the child’s stomachache, ear canal inflammation, sore throat, etc., which requires the mother It is very important to actively take your baby to see a doctor, and it is very important to investigate the cause in detail. After finding the cause, you can adjust your baby's bad sleep habits.

2. The child is insecure

Babies can easily wake up if they don’t sleep well at night. This is because the baby lacks a sense of security. Many babies will have a period of adaptation after leaving the mother’s womb. If the baby is born with sensitive nerves, it is more likely to be startled, causing the baby to wake up in sleep. , At night, the mother tries to keep the baby as close as possible to herself, or put two more pillows on both sides of the baby to give the baby a secure package and enhance the baby's sense of security.

3, related to physiological reasons

Many babies have a certain relationship with physiological reasons when they sleep poorly. It may be because the baby feels uncomfortable, such as the indoor temperature is not suitable, the diaper needs to be changed, the bedding makes the baby's skin feel uncomfortable, etc., which will affect the baby's normal sleep quality. , Mom can start from these aspects.


What if your baby is not sleeping well?

1. Create a sense of calm

From a physiological point of view, the human body secretes a large amount of hormones. These hormones can also help promote sleep and help grow in a dim environment. Therefore, at night, mothers may wish to leave a small light in the baby's room to keep the home dark and quiet. This will allow the baby to secrete the most sleep hormones, and also allow the baby to gradually feel the consciousness of the night and gradually adjust the normal sleep time of the baby.

2. Help your baby adjust the biological clock of sleep

When the baby lacks sleep within three months after birth, parents cannot change the baby's sleep. They should breastfeed the baby according to the baby's biological clock. This is a good and correct way to effectively cultivate the baby's sleep habits.

3. Don’t sleep immediately after breastfeeding

When the baby is three months old, the total sleep time per day is about 14 hours. If the baby sleeps for 12 hours at night, the number of night awakenings will decrease, and the baby can only sleep about two or three times during the day. At this time, mothers should often Feed or sleep your baby.

what should be done if baby can not sleep well at night? Through the above explanation, I hope to remind everyone to help the baby adjust the clock and help the baby grow up healthily.

Remind parents to pay attention if the baby does not sleep at night, as occasionally this will not affect the baby's health and growth and development. However, if the baby has such a problem for a long time, it is very unfavorable for the baby's health, it will damage the baby's health, and even induce diseases. The above are the suggestions given by the doctor for the problem of the baby not sleeping at night, I hope it will help everyone.