Is diarrhea after eating a bowel cancer problem?


Almost everyone has experienced diarrhea. According to 2020 statistics, 87.6% of Chinese people have encountered intestinal health problems in 2020 . Is it related to cancer?

1. Diarrhea after eating, is it a warning of colon cancer?

Diarrhea is very common in life. During diarrhea, the frequency of defecation increases significantly, the stool is thin in texture, and the water increases, or contains undigested food, etc., often accompanied by abdominal pain, anal discomfort, etc., and some patients have vomiting, fever, etc. Performance.

There are many possibilities for diarrhea after meals. There are several common reasons. Colon cancer is generally not considered:

1. Strong gastric mucosal reflex

After ingesting food, the food will flow into the stomach with the esophagus, causing irritation to the gastric mucosa. Everyone's gastric mucosa is different and has different sensitivities. Some stomachs are more sensitive and release more dissolved substances, which will stimulate Peristalsis of the intestines to aid digestion.

2. Food intolerance

For people with allergies, inadvertently eating foods that can cause allergies will cause intolerance in the body. For example, people who are lactose intolerant, drinking pure milk on an empty stomach will cause lactose intolerance, resulting in intestinal irritation after drinking. Discomfort and diarrhea.

3. Irritable bowel, enteritis

If you want to defecate after ingesting food, it may also be caused by certain intestinal diseases, such as irritable bowel, intestinal inflammation, etc., which will make the intestines more sensitive and easily stimulated by food, thereby increasing the number of bowel movements.

However, bowel cancer can also cause changes in stool, but bowel cancer is generally accompanied by typical manifestations— Changes in bowel habits, such as alternating stools, constipation and diarrhea; increased stool frequency, unshaped stools, and the urge to defecate after defecation ; The tumor enlarges, occupies the intestine, and also causes changes in the shape of the stool and blood in the stool.

Second, why does the abdomen always turn over and overturn before the diarrhea?

During diarrhea, the first reaction of people is not a tight anus, but severe pain in the abdomen, so the stomach pain evolves into the first signal of diarrhea.

If you accidentally eat food containing germs , these germs will also enter the digestive tract with the food. At this time, the intestines stirred by the germs cannot be absorbed smoothly, and the food will accumulate in the intestines. More and more germs and food will stimulate the intestinal tract, cause an inflammatory reaction, and cause severe pain.

Third, these types of diarrhea may be closely related to cancer, and attention should be paid to

Diarrhea is generally related to bacteria, viruses, eating cold food, etc., but if you have repeated diarrhea and other physical discomforts, you should be alert to the warning signs that may be some intestinal cancers.

1. Nausea, diarrhea

Diarrhea accompanied by nausea and acid regurgitation is a more obvious manifestation of gastric cancer in the early stage, but it is similar to gastroenteritis symptoms. If there is unexplained diarrhea, black stool, stomach burning sensation, upper abdominal pain and other manifestations, it is recommended to do a gastroscopy in time.

2. Right upper quadrant pain, diarrhea

Diarrhea accompanied by upper abdominal pain is likely to be caused by primary liver cancer. 50% of liver cancer patients have the performance of repeated diarrhea, which is due to digestive and absorption disorders and secretion disorders. It is recommended to take color Doppler ultrasound and liver function tests as soon as possible.

3. Diarrhea, steatorrhea

The pancreas is located near the stomach and transverse colon and is difficult to detect on normal examination. Diarrhea is also one of the early manifestations of pancreatic cancer, often accompanied by unexplained epigastric discomfort, steatorrhea, indigestion, etc., and some patients have jaundice that is not caused by gallstones. If you have a family history of pancreatic cancer, you should pay more attention.

4. Diarrhea, facial and lingual neuralgia

About 20% - 30% of patients with medullary thyroid tumor will have diarrhea, which is related to the prostaglandins secreted by cancer tissue, which affect vasoconstriction and intestinal peristalsis hyperactivity. More complicated with facial, tongue and other neuralgia manifestations.