Why is esophageal cancer "eating" cancer?


Usually eat very fast, eat very full at each meal, and like to eat hot food. If these habits persist for a long time, the risk of esophageal cancer will greatly increase.

Why do you say that esophageal cancer is cancer that comes out of "eating"?

There is a strong link between the occurrence of esophageal cancer and daily poor eating habits, and these habits can increase the risk of esophageal cancer.

1. Like hot food

"Eat while it's hot" is a very typical habit, and whatever food you eat tends to be eaten hot. Eating hot food for a long time will damage our esophagus. The maximum temperature of food that the esophagus can tolerate is 65°C.

Once ingested food that exceeds this temperature, the esophageal mucosa will be scalded, and then inflammation will occur. If there is no timely intervention after the inflammation occurs, it will be continuously stimulated, and it will gradually evolve into cancer.

2. Love to eat pickled food

In order to ensure the flavor and easy storage of preserved food, a large amount of salt is often added, so the nitrite content in the food will greatly increase . Long-term intake of these foods can lead to a 2-fold increase in the risk of esophageal cancer.


3. Love to drink

Many people love to drink strong alcohol for a long time, Alcohol needs to enter the stomach through the mouth and esophagus . In this process, it will bring strong adverse stimulation to the esophagus, and it is easy to induce abnormal proliferation of the esophagus and then cancer.

4. Unbalanced nutritional intake

The incidence of esophageal cancer is higher in regions such as Sichuan, Jiangsu, northern Jiangsu, and Guangdong Shantou in China than in other regions. After analysis, experts found that trace elements iron, molybdenum, zinc and barium content are generally low in the human body in these high-incidence areas . This has a lot to do with the long-term uneven food intake of local residents, resulting in lack of nutrients in the body.

Among the people with esophageal cancer, have a history of esophageal cancer in the family, come from areas with high incidence of esophageal cancer, people who smoke and drink for a long time, have an unbalanced diet, like to eat hot food, and have poor oral habits The incidence will be higher.


Esophageal cancer is at an advanced stage, mainly because the early symptoms are not obvious

Patients with early esophageal cancer will have obvious abnormal swallowing performance, Especially when eating some relatively dry and hard food, they will feel a sense of obstruction in the esophagus, making it difficult to swallow . As the disease continues to develop, it may become difficult to swallow water in the later stage;

Because cancer cells constantly compete with normal cells for nutrients in the body, cancer patients will experience significant weight loss in a short period of time. When it is found that cannot lose weight in a short time, but the weight loss exceeds 10% , we must be vigilant;

Some patients will feel that their chest will have an abnormal feeling of fullness , which cannot be relieved after rest. At the same time, there may be discomfort such as dry throat , but these symptoms are not specific and are easily ignored;

Esophageal cancer can also cause patients to have abnormal cough symptoms. When coughing, they will obviously feel chest tightness and pain, and there will be a sense of obstruction in the throat, mostly because the lesions invade the bronchial area.

In order to prevent the occurrence of esophageal cancer, in addition to paying attention to the early symptoms, there are several things that need to be done well in life.


To prevent esophageal cancer, in addition to paying attention to symptoms, we must also do these three points

First of all, pay more attention to some precancerous lesions that may develop into cancer, including esophageal inflammation, esophageal epithelial hyperplasia, esophageal ulcers, esophageal leukoplakia, etc. After the diagnosis, you should seek medical treatment actively. Let it develop.

Secondly, in terms of diet, it is necessary to ensure that the body can ingest a variety of nutrients , not picky eaters or partial eclipses, and maintain the eating habit of eating everything and not eating too much of everything. When eating, don't eat while it's hot, Mainly warm food .

Finally, maintain a regular and healthy lifestyle every day, maintain a sleep time of about 8 hours a day, go to bed early and get up early. Maintaining the physical state in a good range is also beneficial for preventing diseases.