How to skin care in summer?


In summer, if you pay attention to your skin condition, you will find that your pores are much larger than in winter. This is because the summer temperature is too high, resulting in increased skin oil secretion, resulting in enlarged pores. If it is not cleaned in time, the oil will be oxidized by oxygen and accumulate in the pores, resulting in the appearance of acne. Here are seven summer skin care tips to share with you, and summer is also beautiful!

Summer skin care tips 1: Do basic hygiene work

Skin whitening, first of all to clean, so that the skin can better absorb the nutrients in the skin care products. In autumn and winter, the air is drier and easily attracted by dust and dust, so make your skin fairer.

Summer Skin Care Tips 2: Choose Foaming Facial Cleanser

In summer, choose a foaming cleanser that has a better cleaning effect, because its rich foam can help oil and dirt in the pores. It can effectively remove the dirt and aging cutin in the pores. If you are still not satisfied with the cleaning effect, you can choose a cleansing brush, the high-frequency micro-vibration can discharge the dirt in the pores.

Summer skin care tip 3: Rinse face alternately with cold water

In autumn and winter, the climate is relatively dry, and the skin is prone to problems such as dryness, peeling, enlarged pores, and pigmentation. To make the skin whiter and avoid excess skin problems in autumn, you can alternately wash with cold water and cold water. First, rinse your face with warm water to fully open the pores, then wash your face with cold water, which can effectively shrink the pores, thereby effectively improving the skin tone and avoiding the accumulation of dirt in the pores.

Summer skin care tips 4: Exfoliate once a week

In addition to daily hygiene, exfoliating once a week should not be slack. It can effectively remove the aging keratin on the face, make the skin healthier, and make the skin no longer yellow. In summer, you can choose frosted products. If the leather goods are in good condition, it is best to have no frosting.

Summer skin care tips: 5: Internal discharge method

External ultraviolet rays, internal stress, irritation, and fatigue will reduce the self-regulating ability of the skin. Various functions of the body will also decline with age, and the skin will slowly become dry, dull, and lose its elasticity. Due to the long-term exposure and oxidation of the bottom layer of the skin, there will be problems such as dull yellowness and inflammation, which cannot be solved simply by exfoliating and cleaning. Therefore, to carry out antioxidant detoxification from the bottom layer, the best way is to start from the inside.

Use skin care products with antioxidant and repairing effects to push the repaired nutrients into the skin in a massage manner, penetrate deep into the cells, help remove toxins from the body, and effectively prevent environmental pollution, computer radiation, and second-hand oil. Oxidation caused by free radicals.

Summer skin care tips 6: Use whitening lotion

Whitening lotion can not only use it to replenish the skin's moisture and make the skin whiter. After washing your face every morning and night, you can use some whitening lotion on a cotton pad, so that even in this sweltering summer, the skin will be fair.

Summer skin care tips 7: Whitening and moisturizing mask

Whitening mask is a good whitening skin care product, which can make the skin better absorb the whitening essence. Applying the whitening mask before going to bed can not only achieve a good nourishing effect, but also greatly improve the skin's whitening effect. Whitening night cream, the effect will be better.