Will eating too much fermented bean curd harm human health?


First, fermented bean curd contains harmful substances. Will eating too much be harmful to health?

Bean curd is a unique food in my country, which can be used as both a side dish and a condiment. But as a preserved, high-salt food, its safety has been controversial.

Some people think that fermented fermented bean curd is made by molds, and excess toxins will remain in it, and eating too much will be harmful to health. So let's first understand how fermented bean curd is made.

The first step is to process the soybeans into tofu; the second step is to make the tofu with mucor; the third step is to pickle the tofu; The five-step fermented bean curd was successfully marinated.

It should be emphasized here that the phone is the mucor that grows on the tofu in question, and does not contain aflatoxin, so it will not harm human health after eating it. At the same time, fermented bean curd manufacturers inoculate the bacteria on tofu, which will not produce toxins and will not harm health.


Moreover, the mold used in fermented bean curd mainly plays the role of decomposing the protein in tofu, and can also increase the nutrients in tofu, such as amino acids or B vitamins.

Second, eat less if it is not harmful to health

Although taking fermented bean curd in moderation has certain benefits on metabolic function, cardiovascular health and relieving anemia, but the salt content in fermented bean curd is very high, and a long-term high-salt diet will cause a lot of harm to the body. Eat at most one piece or half a piece a day.

First of all, excessive intake of salt for a long time will lead to increased proteinuria and damage to kidney function. Second, the salt intake of most people in China exceeds the standard, and high salt has led to an increase in the number of people with high blood pressure.

Finally, if you consume too much salt for a long time, the body will naturally work hard to excrete sodium, and calcium will be excreted in the urine, resulting in a large loss of calcium.

Third, eating fermented bean curd in this way may be healthier

First of all, keep the principle of eating less and not exceeding the standard. Although the salt content of fermented bean curd is very high, it is not as outrageous as the rumor that "a piece of fermented bean curd contains 12 grams of salt".

Under normal circumstances, the salt content of a small piece of fermented bean curd is about 1g. Nutritionists recommend that the salt intake of each person is about 5g per day. Therefore, if each person eats half to a piece of fermented bean curd every day, will it be? endanger human health.


In addition, the preservation of fermented bean curd should also be paid attention to. Many people worry that the bean curd will produce carcinogens - nitrite. In fact, as long as it is stored in the correct way, fermented bean curd will not produce nitrite.

Therefore, the chopsticks holding fermented bean curd should be kept dry, do not bring moisture into the bottle of fermented bean curd, and do not use chopsticks that have been stained with saliva to hold fermented bean curd in the bottle of fermented bean curd. In addition, do not pour out the soup, it can play a role in quality preservation, and at the same time do a good job of low temperature preservation to prolong the storage time of fermented bean curd.

Because fermented bean curd is a fermented food, but as a traditional Chinese food, fermented bean curd will not lose the original nutrients in tofu during the production process, but will increase certain nutrients, such as vitamins B2 and 12.

Furthermore, in the production process of fermented bean curd, the mold selects beneficial bacteria, which will not threaten human health. However, because fermented bean curd is high in salt and purines, it is not recommended for patients with gout, high blood pressure and kidney disease. For healthy people, they should also control their consumption, and no more than two pieces per day.