How to do daily skin care?


Many women know the importance of skin care and stick to it every day. However, the real maintenance method, not all women understand. This is why, although many women do skin care, their skin condition is getting worse and worse, because the skin is damaged due to incorrect maintenance methods. Today, the editor will share the steps of daily skin care, so that you can learn the correct skin care method without taking detours.

Daily skin care step 1: Know your skin condition

To choose the right skin care products. Human skin tone can be roughly divided into three types: oily, dry, and neutral. For example, if you have oily skin, you can choose more skin care products that can adjust the balance of oil and water and control the secretion of oil in your daily life. Dry skin should pay attention to moisturizing and locking water. Similarly, if you have spots on your skin, you can also choose some skin care products that can remove them.

Step 2 of daily skin care: Thoroughly cleanse your skin

Cleansing is a key step in skin care. Use the correct cleanser, morning and evening, to scientifically cleanse your facial skin. If you have oily skin, or if you live in a heavily polluted environment for a long time, wash it often. Use a gentle method when cleaning the skin of the face, do not wipe it with a rough towel.

Step 3 of daily skin care: apply mask

The choice of the mask depends on the individual's skin condition, preferably a big brand. You can also make homemade milk mask, fruit mask, etc. Of course, the mask is not done every day, it depends on the specific situation of the individual.

Step 4 of daily skin care: sun protection.

There is little sunlight in autumn, but the ultraviolet rays are strong, so pay attention to sun protection when you go out. People who often use computers should apply more anti-radiation cream.

Step 5 of daily skin care: Moisturize the skin

The most important thing in autumn skin care is moisturizing. In autumn, it is relatively dry and the skin's moisture will quickly lose. Therefore, it is necessary to choose moisturizing skin care products, and also pay attention to its water-locking ability, such as rhodiola, deep sea brown algae, etc.

Step 6 of daily skin care: remove makeup.

If you usually pay special attention to removing makeup, even if you don't wear makeup, use a sponge and professional makeup remover.

Step 7 of daily skin care: eat more fruits and vegetables

Eating more vegetables and fruits with high antioxidant capacity can make the skin younger, eating more foods rich in vitamin C can help the skin become fairer, and eating more iron-rich foods , which can make the skin more rosy. Eating more water-rich foods can also greatly help the skin's moisturizing ability.

Step 8 of daily skin care: Eliminate spots, dullness, uneven skin tone, acne and other problems

The older you get, the more prone your skin is to various problems, and you need to pay special attention. People with this skin tone should not only use professional skin care products, but also internal conditioning. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that poor blood flow and stasis in the body will lead to pigmentation, acne, and dullness.

In addition to paying attention to these skin care steps, you should also pay attention to your daily life. Studies have shown that sleeping on the side is comfortable, but it will increase the risk of wrinkles on the skin, so it is best to sleep on the back. Skin care is not only for women, and now many men are beginning to pay attention to maintenance, and skin care does not differentiate between genders. Maintaining good lifestyle habits is the same as eating habits and skin care. Maintaining a good mood can also make your skin better.