What fruits can eat to improve the harm of staying up late?


Now, people are paying more and more attention to their skin, but there are also many women who stay up late at night. So, do you know how to take care of your skin? What are the dangers of staying up late? If you often stay up late, what fruits should you eat to improve your skin? Let's take a look with me below.


The harm of staying up late 1. Fatigue and reduced resistance

Staying up late for a long time will lead to physical fatigue and lack of energy; colds, gastrointestinal infections, allergies, autonomic nervous disorders, etc. will all lead to a decline in the body's immunity.

Harm of staying up late Second, memory decline

Staying up late and working hard for a long time can easily lead to dysfunction, such as acne, red eyes, nosebleeds, etc. Memory decline. When staying up late, the sympathetic nerves will be in a state of excitement, and symptoms such as memory loss, poor concentration, and headache will appear the next day.

Harm three of staying up late, bags under the eyes, dark circles under the eyes

Staying up late can lead to symptoms such as dark circles and bags under the eyes.


The harm of staying up late Fourth, skin deterioration

The most common skin problems after staying up late are eye bags and dark circles. The best skin care time is from 10:00 pm to 2:00 pm. Poor sleep during this time will cause damage to the human body's endocrine and nervous system, and will also harm the skin.

The harm of staying up late 5. Hormone disorders

Staying up late will endanger the endocrine system, resulting in irregular menstruation, delayed menstruation, low menstrual flow, dysmenorrhea, etc. Endocrine disorders can lead to acne, acne, chloasma, dark spots, etc. on the skin.

The harm of staying up late Sixth, lethargy

When people stay up late, they will feel lethargic and easy to feel tired. This is because the human organs do not get enough rest, and the immunity of the human body will decline for a long time.


Is it effective to supplement sleep during the day after staying up late?

Although there are some effects, it cannot make up for the harm of staying up late. Many people think that a good night's sleep will make up all their work, but that's a big mistake. Adequate sleep can restore physical strength and eliminate fatigue, but excessive sleep can not only eliminate the harm of staying up late, but also cause damage to the body.


Fruits to improve skin one, lemon

Lemon is a very common fruit, rich in nutrients, this fruit can nourish the liver and spleen, prevent toxins and detoxify. People who stay up late are prone to all kinds of spots. Citric acid can play a role in freckle, prevent pigmentation, and promote digestion and absorption. People who stay up late can eat more of this fruit.

Fruits that improve skin Second, oranges

Fruits can supplement vitamin C, which can reduce the damage of computer radiation to the human body, and can also reduce the production of melanin. Long-term irregular life can easily lead to constipation. The chalk and cellulose contained in oranges help to clear the bowels and clear the bowels and ensure the body The waste can be discharged smoothly.


Fruits that improve skin Three, bananas

Bananas can relieve fatigue and physical exhaustion, and this fruit is rich in magnesium and potassium, which can lower blood pressure and treat depression. It is often consumed by people who work overtime and stay up late.

Fruits that improve skin Four, carrots

Staying up late will bring a lot of harm to the human body, one of which is eye fatigue and decreased vision. This fruit is rich in carotene, which when absorbed by the body can be converted into vitamin A, which can prevent vision loss. Therefore, people who often stay up late can eat more carrots, which can nourish the liver and improve eyesight and protect the eyes.