Why do cats like to push things off the table?


Cats like to push things under the table, probably because of their hunting instinct. One of the reasons cats push things is because of their hunting instinct. It may also be that the cat's environment is boring and boring, so it's trying to find some toys or things to play with.


Why cats like to push things off the table: hunting instinct

According to zoologists, one of the reasons cats push things is a manifestation of their hunting instinct. The pads on cats' paws are very sensitive, so they use their palms to explore and test for possible prey or novel objects. The sounds and movements of things being knocked down can also be used to tell if they are safe. People who are familiar with cats must have seen that when they encounter a new toy, they will slap it a few times before approaching its face. In fact, this is also true. One reason is that cats are showing off their hunting instincts, testing possible prey.


Why do cats like to push things off the table: boring

Cats can also just be bored. If you've noticed that your cat likes to litter lighter items, chances are she's just inventing new games and toys. The sound, touch, and speed of things are all in line with the playful nature and curiosity of cats. They are just looking for some excitement in the ordinary life.

Why cats like to push things away from the table: attracting attention

Cats are very intelligent animals, they have long learned how to manipulate humans. And what better way to attract attention than a dropped cup? Usually they just want: watch me, feed me, play with me, and push things to the ground usually meets their needs.