Why do cats run away from home?


We all know that cats are very active animals. They often run away from home without paying attention. Is there a high probability that cats who run away from home will come back?

In fact, the probability of coming back is not high, because the cat's ability to recognize the way is not high, especially in the city with many high-rise buildings. Most cats are actually road idiots and may not remember the route home, especially in cities, especially in the same buildings and units in the community, which makes it harder for cats to get home. This is also the reason why some cats are very close to home after running away, but it takes a month or two to get home. Maybe their time is spent finding the route.


What are the reasons why cats run away from home

Reason 1: Running away from home in heat, the probability of coming back is very low

Some cats run away from home because they are in heat and have a low chance of coming back. When a cat enters the estrus period, there is only one thing in his mind, that is, to run away from home, find his own partner, and complete the mating, especially the male cat, the behavior at this time will be very abnormal. Once the cat finds his true love outside, he may run away with his object and find it difficult to get back on his own.

Reason 2: End life and return to nature

Some cats run away from home because they know their lifespan is about to expire. Cats are very spiritual animals. They can predict their own longevity. When they knew they were going to die, they would run away from home without a chance to return home. Cats do this in order not to cause trouble to their owners, return to nature, and wait for death, which is also the nature of cats.


Reason 3: Yearning for freedom, voluntary wandering

Cats are very free animals. They don't like being caged. They want to be able to move freely, so they want to escape their captivity and go out and live independently. Moreover, the cat can catch birds on the top and mice on the bottom, and the survival skills are directly full. After running away from home, the probability of survival will be much higher than that of dogs.