How do young people develop hearing loss?


More and more young people are "deaf before they get old"
In the movie "Charlotte Troubles", there is a dialogue between the protagonist Charlotte and the uncle: "Uncle, is Ma Dongmei's house upstairs at 2322?" "What is Ma Dong?" "Ma Dongmei" "What is Dongmei?" "Ma Dongmei" "Ma Shimei?"
While everyone laughed, it was natural for the uncle to be diagnosed as having a back of the ear. With the gradual aging of the auditory system, the elderly in the elderly will be deaf in all likelihood, which is medically called presbycusis.
But nowadays, deafness is no longer the patent of the elderly, and more and more young people have symptoms of hearing loss. According to the latest data from the World Health Organization, there are currently about 11 Hundreds of millions of young people (between the ages of 12 and 35) are at risk of irreversible hearing loss. The number of young people with hearing loss has been increasing over the past decade.
According to the World Health Organization, if this continues, by 2030, nearly 630 million people worldwide will suffer from disabling hearing loss; by 2050, it will rise to 9 Over 100 million people suffer from hearing loss (1 in 10).
A review of hearing loss published by The Lancet in 2017 also pointed out that in 2015, 500 million people worldwide lost hearing, 13.4 Hundreds of millions of people with better hearing have mild to severe hearing loss. Hearing loss is the fourth leading cause of disability.
Hearing loss is the third most common chronic disease in the United States. 1 in 4 adults (ages 20-69) Individuals with very good or good hearing but now have hearing impairment. Almost twice as many people reported hearing loss as reported diabetes or cancer.
Noise in entertainment environments (such as sporting events, concerts) and the use of personal audio devices are the leading causes of hearing loss risk in young adults. Its incidence is second only to presbycusis.
Lifestyle causes hearing loss in young people
Contemporary entertainment KTVs, nightclubs, bars, video game malls and other places are crowded with young people. In that noisy environment, two people next to each other have to roar to talk. Such high decibel noise stimulation can be imagined to be harmful to hearing.
In addition, the long-term use of audio equipment by young people can not be underestimated. Headphones have become the new favorite of modern young people. Wired and wireless have become an important means for young people to block external noise and avoid social interaction. The louder the outside world, the higher the volume of the headphones.
According to a survey, 99.8% of Chinese college students use earphones, and the consequence of long-term use of earphones is that 28% of students suffer from noise-induced hearing loss, and 13.4% suffer from noise-induced hearing loss. of students have chronic tinnitus.
Even more frightening is that young people have not yet paid attention to their hearing impairment.
"Boiled frog in warm water" style deafness
Hearing impairment is as dangerous as vision impairment.
This is because high frequency hearing loss (above 4000 Hz) is often the first to appear after prolonged exposure to noise.
But most of the sound frequencies (including daily communication) that we often come into contact with in our lives are between 500 and 3000 Hz In between, as long as the hearing in this frequency range is normal, we will feel that our ears are fine.
Therefore, the first high-frequency hearing loss is easily overlooked, and when the patient notices it, it often has reached a more serious stage.
Hearing loss from prolonged exposure to noise as well as brief bursts of loud noise is irreversible, even long after the exposure has ceased.
Because noise destroys the hair cells in the cochlea, the damaged hair cells do not regenerate.
Prolonged noise stimulation causes damage to the inner ear capillaries.
When young people find it affects their daily communication, they may be like deaf old people. A sentence may need to be repeated more than three times by others to hear it clearly.
Deaf-blind American author Helen Keller said: "Deafness separates people".
People with hearing loss often experience severe loneliness and isolation because of difficulty integrating into conversations.
Ways to prevent hearing loss in young people
In fact, by following these simple 4 points, you can continue to enjoy entertainment without damaging your hearing.
  • Reduce the time of using personal audio devices such as smart phones and audio players, and the continuous wearing time should not exceed one hour;
  • Turn down the volume of personal audio equipment, it is recommended not to exceed 60% of the maximum volume;
  • Try to stay away from the source of the noise, or reduce the dwell time. People who need to work in a noisy environment for a long time are recommended to wear protective earplugs and earmuffs;
  • Regular hearing screening, early detection and early treatment.