How to tell if a Rottweiler is a purebred?


When it comes to the Rottweiler, everyone's impression of it must be fierce and mighty. Therefore, in the past, Rottweilers were always used to guard the family or cattle. The Rottweiler is also a very noble breed. Only purebred Rottweilers are of higher quality, so what is the difference between purebred and impure Rottweilers?

There are three differences between purebred Rottweilers and non-purebred dogs

1. Purebred: well muscled, medium length;

2. Purebred: dark brown eyes, very sharp eyes;

3. Purebred: Prominent forehead and short nose.

A purebred Rottweiler is very distinctive in appearance and markings. Only a Rottweiler with this physique can be considered a purebred, and vice versa if not purebred.

Generally speaking, purebred Rottweilers are tall and strong, while line dogs are relatively thin; Rottweilers have strong adaptability, and if they are helpless in unfamiliar environments, they may be impure dogs; , Need to issue a pedigree certificate to prove whether it is a purebred dog; usually purebred dogs are energetic, while ordinary dogs are more tired.

1. Physical characteristics

When identifying a Rottweiler, start with its size. Purebred Rottweilers are very strong, not as thin as leash dogs, male dogs will be taller than female dogs. A stout but not purebred male Rottweiler and a female Rottweiler may be about the same size.

2. The state of adaptation

One of the ways to identify a purebred Rottweiler is to test it in an unfamiliar environment. Rottweilers are smart and adaptable. It can actively explore unfamiliar environments. If you spot a dog in an unfamiliar environment with circles of crying or helplessness, it's an impure dog.

3. Proof of ancestry

If you want to distinguish whether it is a purebred dog, then the pedigree certificate is a good proof. When buying a Rottweiler, never listen to the seller's dialect and think it's a purebred dog. You must ask the seller to come up with the corresponding certificate, otherwise it is an impure dog.

4. Physical state

When choosing a Rottweiler, you can first roughly observe its physical state. In general, a purebred dog will be very energetic and full of energy, while a non-purebred dog will appear tired and have weak limbs.