Do you know about oral periodontitis?


Periodontitis is another common oral disease other than tooth decay, but everyone does not have an accurate understanding of this disease. For example, what is periodontitis? Why do you get this disease? What kind of harm does it have? The key to treatment what is

What kind of disease is periodontitis

As the name suggests, the word "inflammation" of periodontitis has already explained that it is an inflammatory disease. There are two main causes of inflammation in the body, infection and injury. Infection is inflammation caused by biological agents. Biological factors are viruses and bacteria that we are all familiar with. Therefore, periodontitis is essentially the same as our usual cold.

Since the main culprit of inflammation is biological factors, the control or elimination of biological factors has become the key to treatment.

We eat a lot of things every day, which is an important entrance to the human body's circulation, which is destined to be a natural carrier of bacteria in the oral cavity. Therefore, the treatment of oral problems is definitely not to eliminate biological factors but to control biological factors in the oral cavity.

How harmful is periodontitis

Because the biological factors that cause periodontitis can only be controlled and cannot be eliminated, once you have periodontitis, it cannot be completely cured. The best treatment outcome for periodontitis is effective control of it.

It is very necessary to control periodontitis because if it is left unchecked, it will cause the teeth to be "uprooted". Such a terrible result is caused by the biological factors that cause periodontitis - periodontal pathogens. It is a special type of oral bacteria, mainly anaerobic bacteria, which can "eat" the periodontal tissue unknowingly, causing the periodontal tissue to eventually collapse. Teeth will eventually become the "outcast" of the mouth.

Why do I get periodontitis

The key factor in determining who gets periodontitis is the growth of the periodontal pathogens mentioned above. People with active and vigorous growth of this bacteria in their mouths can easily become victims of periodontitis.

As a bacteria-carrying organ, the oral cavity contains not only many types of bacteria but also countless numbers. Under normal circumstances, there are both periodontal pathogenic bacteria and cariogenic bacteria in the oral cavity, as well as a wide variety of other microorganisms. But in fact, as long as these flora are in a state of balance and mutual restraint, the oral cavity is healthy. And those with periodontitis and cavities tend to have an imbalance of their oral bacteria, where periodontal pathogens or cariogenic bacteria predominate.

What is the key to periodontitis treatment

The root cause of periodontitis is that periodontal pathogens occupy the dominant position of oral flora. They are vigorous and active, so how to control this bacteria in a targeted manner? There are two conventional methods: chemical methods and mechanical methods.

The chemical method mostly uses mouthwash containing antibacterial ingredients for gargling. The disadvantage of this approach is that most antimicrobials are broad-spectrum and poorly targeted. Long-term use of antibacterial drugs can also cause new problems such as flora imbalance.

Mechanical methods are the use of flossing, brushing and scaling to remove bacterial plaque formed by germs. Periodontal pathogens are mostly found in the gingival margin and below. It is very important to thoroughly clean the plaque in this area of ​​the mouth.

Therefore, the preferred method of treating periodontitis is always correct flossing, thorough brushing and regular scaling.