What are the characteristics of Pilates exercise to lose weight


Most people don't know what Pilates is or the weight loss benefits of Pilates, just heard the name Pilates. Pilates moves slowly, and each position needs to be matched with your breathing. It is especially suitable for office workers who lack exercise, need to be in touch with the computer for a long time, and practice from 9 to 5.

What is Pilates

A personal training session provided by a trainer to correct a specific injury, muscle imbalance or other physical problem. Many professional athletes now use Pilates exercises to avoid the effects of sports injuries.

Because Pilates is about control, stretching and breathing, it is very helpful for women's waist, abdomen, buttocks and other key parts, so it is more suitable for women's requirements for physical beauty in real life.


Basic action essentials

Abdominal Workout Lie flat on the mat, arms overhead, ears tucked in, knees bent, feet on the ground, inhale. (Note: close your mouth and inhale through your nose) Exhale through your mouth, sit up slowly in a controlled manner, tighten your abs, and leave your feet off the ground.

Back straight, shoulders down, inhale (as you exhale, return your body to the original position, slow and moderate) Exhale as your hips move, relax your shoulders, straighten your calves, put your toes on the ground, and raise your calves to hip height The joints, vibrate with each forward kick. Inhale, stretch your thighs back, tighten your hips, and straighten your knees.

In all Pilates exercises, the concept of the center is emphasized. Whether standing, sitting, or lying down, the center of the body is the key to maintaining balance. The middle part of the body includes the waist, abdomen, buttocks and buttocks. Practice using your centers properly and using their power. For example, when doing a "side kick", to stabilize the upper body, you can imagine putting a bowl of water on each shoulder and pelvis, all you have to do is make sure the water doesn't splash.


Characteristics of Pilates weight loss

1. Pilates is a fusion of Eastern and Western sports concepts

Westerners have always paid attention to the exercise of body muscles, such as waist, abdomen, back, chest, etc.; Easterners focus on the training of breathing and attention. Meditation, yoga and Tai Chi are good examples. Pilates combines the flexibility of the East with the fortitude of the West.

Its movements are slow and clear, and each posture must be coordinated with the breath, so Pilates is suitable for any age, especially those who are inactive, those who need to be in constant contact with the computer and the 9-to-5 office worker.

Stretching and stretching are also one of the most important effects of Pilates. The effect is that the muscles will not become thicker after exercise. By strengthening the core parts of the body (lumbar and abdominal muscles, including transverse abdominis, internal oblique muscles, etc.) The spine is soft and flexible. Therefore, Pilates exercises can not only improve the body line, but also have a good effect on correcting the neck and spinal cord.


2. Pilates is safe

Its movement speed is relatively stable, and it is a static movement state, which will hardly cause damage to joints and muscles. At the same time, the combination of movement and stillness makes the body both tense and relaxed, changing the rhythm and adjusting the breathing during meditation, making it easier for the exerciser to control the body and reducing the negative effects of wrong posture.

Pilates provides your body with a comprehensive workout with very simple equipment. As long as you have a quiet space and a soft carpet, you can practice and achieve the perfect union of body and mind.

3. Pilates emphasizes the control process in stillness

This allows the trainer to build muscle strength without adding bulk. Pilates light equipment exercises follow the principle of light weight and high repetitions, so that the muscles are full of elasticity without making them too protruding. Its exercise intensity is not particularly large, but it focuses on control, stretching and breathing, and has a good effect on the shaping of key parts such as women's waist, abdomen and buttocks. This is more suitable for women's requirements for physical beauty in real life.