8 exercises to train abs


The choice of abdominal muscle training action should be selected according to the structure of the abdominal muscle and its own ability. From the perspective of the structure of the abdominal muscles, including the rectus abdominis (up and down), the obliques, and the transverse abdominis, the movements you choose should be able to effectively stimulate the entire abdominal muscles. From the action point of view, it is mainly for the crunch on the upper side of the rectus abdominis, the leg lift for the lower side of the rectus abdominis, and the action of the oblique muscle. Muscle rotation and lateral flexion movements, and vacuum abdominal movements of the transversus abdominis. Then, according to your own ability, choose the training movements that are difficult but can be completed through hard work.
So let's share a more comprehensive set of abdominal muscle training exercises. The movements are not difficult and are more suitable for the public to do. We can train every other day. Each movement is about 20 times, 3-4 times each time. The overall training time is about 15 minutes.
Exercise 1: sit-ups (target: upper side of rectus abdominis)
Lie on your back on a mat with your lower back close to the mat, upper back slightly raised, neck fixed, chin slightly tucked, arms at your sides for stability (or in front of neck or next to your ears depending on your habit), Bend your knees and step on your heels. If you can't stay steady, you can step on the bottom of your foot.
Keep your body steady, don't sway, keep your lower back close to the ground the entire time, and your abs pull your upper back up as far as you can
Move to the top and stop for a while, feel the contraction of the abdominal muscles, and then actively control the speed to slowly recover
Make sure your lower back is completely close to the ground to complete the movement. When rolling up, don't over-pursue the range of motion. Only do the maximum range within your ability. Note that the neck and head only swing up and down with the body movement, and do not participate in the force. Active control of the whole process, not relying on inertia
Training Action 2: Lie on your back and raise your legs + tuck your abdomen (target: the entire rectus abdominis)
Lie on your back with your upper body on the ground, arms raised above your head, legs straight and raised to be perpendicular to the ground
Keep the body stable, keep the back on the ground throughout the whole process, the abdominal muscles force the upper back to roll up, and the arms swing upward following the body movements, so that the hands are close to the feet
Keeping the upper body position still, actively control the speed and slowly lower your feet, and descend to the lowest point without leaving your lower back on the ground.
Then, the lower abdomen forcefully drives the legs to lift, returning to the starting state of the movement. After the lower body is restored, the upper body and arms return to the starting position of the movement.
Training Action 3: Lying on both ends of one leg (target: oblique muscle)
Lie on your side on the mat, place your forearms straight on the ground, raise your upper arms over your head, stretch your legs forward, support your body with your calves, and hang your calves slightly in the air
Keeping the body stable, push the calf and upper back on the side and lift up at the same time, and move the arms forward with the body movement, so that the hands are as close as possible to the feet on the same side
Move to the top and stop for a moment to fully squeeze the outer abdominal muscles, and then actively control the speed to slowly recover
Training Action 4: Abdominal sitting position (target: upper side of rectus abdominis)
Sit with legs slightly bent, feet on the ground, upper body leaned back as far as possible, arms by sides
Keep your body steady, don't shake, keep your lower body still, and use your abdominal muscles to move your upper body back and forth slightly
Pay attention to the active control of the action rhythm, and the speed should not be too fast
Training Action 5: Lying on the side, flexing the knees and tucking the abdomen (target: oblique muscle)
Lie on your side on the mat, with your forearms straight forward, your upper arms bent, your hands beside your ears, your legs stretched forward, your calves on the ground, and your calves slightly suspended
Keeping your body steady, don't shake, use your side abs to bend your calves and lift your knees up while rolling your upper back sideways, keeping your knees and elbows as close as possible
Move to the top and stop for a while, squeeze the abdominal muscles, then actively control the speed, and slowly recover in the opposite direction
Training Action 6: Supine alternately raise knees and legs (target: lower side of rectus abdominis)
Lie on your back, with your lower back on the ground, your upper back slightly raised, your neck fixed, your chin slightly tucked, your arms by your sides, your legs straight forward, and your feet off the ground
Keeping the body stable, keeping the lower back on the ground, use the lower abdominal muscles to drive the arms and legs alternately to drive the knees up and forward.
Pay attention to the active control of the action rhythm, and the speed should not be too fast
Training Action 7: Lateral support at both ends (target: flank)
Sitting position, legs together and straight forward, feet off the ground, upper body back, hands behind the hips to support the body
Keeping your body steady, without shaking, use your side belly to keep your legs straight and close together, and lift up to one side
Within the range of your ability, and then take the initiative to control the speed to restore slowly, be careful not to touch the ground when restoring
Training Action 8: Kneeling position vacuum abdomen (target: transversus abdominis)
Kneeling position, arms supported under shoulders, elbows slightly bent, knees bent
Keeping your body steady without shaking
Then hold for 3-5 seconds, then inhale to relax and return to the starting state of the movement