Is "prostate cancer" diagnosed at an advanced stage?


Mr. Yang, 38 years old this year, is a project manager. He often works on different projects. He is definitely tired from work, but he is very concerned about his health and goes back to the gym to exercise whenever he is free.

One day, I suddenly felt pain in my lower back, and I thought it was because the exercise stretched my muscles, but I didn't pay attention to it. Although the symptoms of low back pain have not been relieved, his friends think that his physical fitness is relatively good, and it is generally not a big problem, so he ignores it. But half a year later, Mr. Yang's low back pain became more and more serious, accompanied by symptoms such as difficulty in defecation and general discomfort. He had to go to the hospital quickly, and it turned out to be advanced prostate cancer.

1. Why is prostate cancer often found in men at an advanced stage?

Prostate cancer is a common malignant tumor in men, and it is most common in elderly men, and many patients are diagnosed with advanced cancer. Why is prostate cancer diagnosed at an advanced stage?

Prostate cancer is diagnosed at an advanced stage, which is related to the lack of obvious symptoms in the early stage. When the tumor develops seriously and invades the urethra, bladder and other parts, symptoms such as urinary tract obstruction will occur.

Moreover, prostate cancer is easy to metastasize to bone through blood. Many patients in our country have bone metastases when they are first diagnosed. Therefore, it is also recommended that men over the age of 50 should be screened for prostate cancer.

Second, two major symptoms appear, hurry up to check

Because there are no obvious symptoms in the early stage, it is not easy to be found, so prostate cancer is called a silent killer. If you find the following two symptoms, you must check it quickly.

1. Compression symptoms

Prostate cancer in men develops and compresses the rectum, causing constipation symptoms, compressing the nerves, causing genital pain and other symptoms, and compressing the ejaculatory duct, which may cause pain during sexual intercourse.

Once you find symptoms such as incontinence, frequent urination, incontinence, thin urine line, and short range, you should be vigilant. It may be the oppressive symptoms of potential adenocarcinoma.

2. Metastatic symptoms

Once male prostate cancer metastasizes, it may invade the bladder, large intestine, pelvis, bones, etc., causing some symptoms such as hematuria, blood in the stool, intestinal obstruction, lower extremity edema, and bone pain.

Clinically, 60%-70% of patients with bone pain have advanced prostate cancer, which is very difficult to treat.

Third, high-risk groups, early screening and early treatment

As a malignant adenocarcinoma of men with rising morbidity and mortality, prostate cancer has seriously affected men's health and quality of life. Therefore, high-risk groups must do regular screening, early screening, early diagnosis and early treatment That's the point.

Men over the age of 50, people with a family history of prostate cancer, people with strong androgen secretion, people with unhealthy diets, and men who have been infected with bacteria for a long time are all high-risk groups for prostate cancer.

There are three main methods for prostate cancer screening: transrectal B-ultrasound, digital rectal examination, and PSA blood test. However, PSA blood test is quick and simple. Therefore, it is recommended that high-risk men perform serum PSA screening once a year.

There are many men suffering from prostate cancer, and many patients are diagnosed at an advanced stage because there are no obvious symptoms in the early stage. If you find some of the above-mentioned compression symptoms, metastasis symptoms, etc., you should be vigilant, be careful that it is a signal from prostate cancer, and high-risk groups should have a PSA examination every year.