Feeding knowledge of Carter cat


The Cat's personality is very docile and warm, unlike most cats who are timid and fearful. The Carter cat is very smart, cute, independent, and always maintains a gentleman's demeanor, not only catches a lot of mice, but also rarely barks. Of course, most breeders don't have mice in their homes, so the karts have a lot less chance of performance!

Carter cats are very forgiving and can adapt to a variety of different environments. Many breeders have changed the environment due to job transfer, moving house, etc. They feel that their pets may not be easy to accept the new environment, or are afraid of trouble, so they may give them away. In fact, it's not just the Carter that can adapt quickly to a variety of environments. In the hearts of all pets, as long as you are there, that is home, so don't make any decisions lightly for your pet.

Carter cats are easygoing and show love and loyalty to their breeders. Although he will be wary of strangers, he will not attack people. If you treat it gently, it will come close to you very quickly. The kindness of all cats, and even the kindness of dogs, is evident in it.


Feeding knowledge of Carter cats

Cats are naturally clean, and the Carter cat is no exception. Before preparing to raise a Carter cat, you should prepare a clean and comfortable litter for him to sleep and relax. Carter cats are primarily carnivorous pets. In their usual diet, it is necessary to add meat foods appropriately. Raw meat foods should not be given to cats. Meat is best cooked before serving to cats. Another important job of raising cats is to bathe them, brush their hair regularly, clean their living environment, ensure a healthy and high-quality living environment, and let cats live a healthier life.

The main principle of rearing a Carter is food variety. From the first day a kitten is weaned, it should get used to eating a variety of foods. Although a Carter cat's diet should contain at least 25% , but they should mimic their wild relatives, and their diets should be varied to include not only fish but also some vegetarian food. It is wise to provide cats with cat food that uses fat and carbohydrates as energy sources.


Because to a certain extent, a full-protein diet that only eats fish and meat is a waste. That's because these expensive foods are digested in cats to generate heat, not repair cells. Another reason not to feed whole protein foods is that this diet is not good for health. Too much raw meat in cat food can have detrimental effects: kalts that eat only fish and no other foods will be deficient in vitamin B1; kalts that eat only animal livers will have abnormal stools; kalts that eat only lean meat Lack of calcium and vitamins.

Your Cat's diet should be naturally balanced if you can provide your Cat with foods that contain sufficient amounts of key nutrients as shown below. If you have an older cat whose diet is difficult to change, you may be able to pull it back from a single-minded rush to death by being careful when making cat food, rather than just feeding it crawfish and caviar. When the cat comes into your home, it is best for you as the breeder to feed him a new, wholesome food; gradually add the new food over a few weeks.


Food contraindications animal liver: Some cats are very fond of animal liver and refuse to eat other foods. Animal livers contain large amounts of vitamin A, but consuming too much vitamin A can lead to muscle stiffness, neck pain, deformed bones and joints, and liver disease.

High-fat foods: If your cat's diet contains a lot of fatty fish or stale fatty meat, it can lead to insufficient vitamin E intake, which can cause the cat's body fat to become inflamed and excruciatingly painful.

There are no vegetarian cats in the world. Carter cats are carnivores. They must eat meat to survive. But that in no way means that the Carter doesn't like or doesn't need to eat some fruits or vegetables. Therefore, in daily life, even if you pet the Cat, you need to stop feeding blindly. A regular and balanced diet will keep your Carter healthy.