How to raise a Russian blue cat


Russian Blues are quiet cats, they are not the type of cat that is always bouncing around the house. If you have a Russian blue cat, you will find that the most common thing they do is lie quietly in their favorite spot, or silently follow the breeder. Because Russian blue cats are very quiet, they do not like to see strangers, and when they see strangers, they will find a place to hide. But for breeders, they are more enthusiastic, they will try to please the breeders, they also trust the breeders very much, and like to let the breeders touch their bodies.

Although Russian blue cats like to be petted by their owners, too close contact can make them feel a little bit stressed, so keep your distance from them. For example, you can touch their bodies, but the act of hugging the cat tightly and holding the cat in your hand should be avoided or avoided at home, otherwise the cat may gradually alienate you due to stress.

If you live in a noisy area, this can be a mental ordeal for the Russian Blue. They are quiet and they like quiet places. A noisy environment will not only make cats more irritable, but also make cats' health worse in the long run.

Russian Blue cats, although very fearful of life, are not hostile to strangers or other animals. As long as they find each other friendly, they will gradually become acquainted. Therefore, if there are other animals in the house, the breeder does not have to worry that they will not be able to live and work in peace.

Also, the Russian Blue is a very intelligent cat and it is not difficult to train them. General life skills training only takes a week to complete, while more difficult training requires more time and effort. Because Russian Blues are sensitive by nature, don't always punish cats when training, or they will quickly become disgusted with training.

Breeding knowledge of Russian blue cats

There are very few Russian blue cats, so the price is high. To make Russian blue cats healthier, in addition to giving them proper exercise and maintaining a good mood, they must also control their diet. The breeding requirements for Russian blue cats are not as difficult as many breeders think, as long as the following principles are followed:

1. Timed quantitative supply

Like humans, cats are likely to develop a variety of gastrointestinal diseases if they eat irregularly. To avoid this, breeders must feed their cats regularly and rations. For most healthy adult cats, they will control their food intake and will not eat food from the food bowl as long as they are full. However, for some kittens or some adult cats, they may not have a concept of how much to eat, they will eat as much as the breeder feeds. If your cat is like this, you need to pay attention to the feeding amount each time.

2. Pay attention to food taboos

Foods such as animal liver are delicious in the eyes of cats, but if you eat more, it is not good for their bodies. Although the content of vitamin A in animal liver is high, excessive consumption can lead to vitamin A poisoning in cats, so the correct way is to provide cats with a small amount of animal liver food. There are also some foods that cats must not eat, such as chocolate, onions, grapes, etc. If they are eaten, some unexpected situations may occur, and breeders must be careful. In addition, self-made cat food needs to be careful to add salt, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce and other seasonings, otherwise it will greatly affect the cat's health.

3. How to give snacks

Control the amount of treats available, as eating too many treats not only makes cats more picky eaters, some cats can also get sick from eating too many treats. Some breeders will use snacks to train cats, but do not rely entirely on snacks to help you train, otherwise cats will feel that snacks have become commonplace in the later stage and cannot meet their own needs, resulting in difficulty in training.