Feeding knowledge of Canadian hairless cats


Canadian hairless cats are from Canada. The recorded hairless cats were first discovered in the United States, but the people who discovered this cat did not study and continue to raise them. Instead, Canadian breeders discovered this type of cat and began to breed and breed. . In fact, there are hairless cats all over the world, because hairless cats are mainly caused by genetic mutations.

Canadian Hairless cats are not naked, they are completely hairless. They have hair on their ears, mouth, nose, feet, etc., but no hair on other parts of the body. Although this kind of cat is popular with cat hair allergies and cat lovers, there are still many people who cannot accept their wrinkles, Hairless skin.


Canadian Hairless Cat Character Traits

When Canadian hairless cats first appeared in the public eye, many people thought they had bad temperaments and were difficult to domesticate. However, after a while, many people found that Canadian Hairless cats are not only gentle, but also very easy to train. Therefore, Canadian hairless cats began to gradually enter people's homes.

At first, Canadian hairless cats were discovered by accident, and breeders started to study them because while many people love cats, they are allergic to cat fur. The emergence of hairless cats can solve such problems, so the breeding of hairless cats has been officially put on the agenda. Due to the lack of hair (hairless cats are not really hairless, but have long hair on certain parts of their body, such as ears, mouth, nose, etc.), this cat has a completely different touch than other cats.


Canadian Hairless cats have high IQs, even more than Siamese cats, so in addition to basic life skills training, breeders can also teach them some extended skills. It should be noted that cats with high IQs have strong learning ability. They may learn to open and close the door by watching you open and close the door. Sometimes the snacks you put in the drawer may also be found by them, so when raising Canadian hairless cats , you should supervise, don't let them do some "bad things" behind your back!

Canadian hairless cats are also very qualified as pets. Their dispositions are docile to people and get along well with other animals, especially with their own kind, as the dispositions rarely engage in fierce battles. Plus, they live in harmony with dogs, so you don't have to worry about having another Canadian Hairless cat with other pets in the house. Although the Canadian Hairless is docile, it is also a sensitive cat. They can also feel very hurt if the breeder reprimands them during training. Cats who have been reprimanded by the breeder for a long time will be farther and farther away from the breeder.


Feeding knowledge of Canadian hairless cats

In the eyes of many people, Canadian hairless cats are the product of genetic mutations, and their bodies may not be as healthy as normal cats. In fact, this worry is completely unnecessary. Canadian Hairless cats do not suffer from genetic diseases due to genetic mutations, but they are more sensitive to sunlight than regular cats due to their sparse body hair.

Canadian Hairless cats can get sunburned if exposed to the sun for a long time, and cats with lighter skin can also get darkened from the sun, so to avoid the above, it is best for breeders not to expose cats to the sun for too long . In addition to being afraid of high temperature and sunlight, Canadian hairless cats are not very well adapted to harsh winters. Because there is no shelter from the wind and rain, they need some clothes and blankets from the breeder to keep them warm.

Canadian Hairless cats have no fur, can breeders not bathe them? of course not. To give Canadian cats a better life, breeders should also bathe their cats regularly. When bathing your cat, be sure to use a cat-specific body wash, and never pour your own body wash on your cat. Failure to do so may result in abnormal levels of skin oil secretion in cats.

The average lifespan of a Canadian hairless cat is 12 years, with some cats living up to 15 years with proper care years or more. Currently, the number of hairless cats in Canada is low because they are more difficult to breed. It is precisely because of their scarcity that purchasing Canadian Hairless cats requires a certain economic basis.