How to Pick a Money Turtle


There are many kinds of money turtles. Different money turtles vary greatly in quality and price. Therefore, we are likely to pay high prices for poor quality money turtles. Therefore, we need to learn how to choose high-quality money turtles, so as not to be deceived because of ignorance when purchasing, resulting in serious losses.

Varieties of money turtles

There are Vietnamese species, Hainan species and Guangdong species. The price of Vietnamese species is the highest, followed by Hainan species, and Guangdong species has the lowest price. Therefore, be sure to recognize the variety when purchasing to avoid confusion. How to identify money turtle species:

There are 3 species of money turtles: Vietnamese species, Hainan species and Guangdong species. The identification method is now introduced as follows:

1. Look at the body weight: Under the same growth conditions, the weight of the Vietnamese species of turtles is the largest, the weight of the Hainan species of turtles is the second, and the weight of the Guangdong species of turtles is the last.

2. Look at the head: The head of the Vietnamese species of money turtle is basically gray (the top of the head is olive, the front end is gray-blue, and the back end is golden yellow), so it is also called "grey head"; the head of the Hainan money turtle The head is golden yellow, so it is also called "yellow head"; the head of the Guangdong species of money turtle is light yellow.

3. Look at the shell color: the carapace of the Vietnamese golden tortoise is brown-red, the shell of the Hainan golden tortoise is golden yellow, and the shell of the Guangdong golden tortoise is light yellow.

The quality of the money turtle

According to the different quality, the money turtle is divided into three categories: wild, imitation wild, and commodity. The main function of wild money turtles and imitation wild money turtles is reproduction, and their reproduction efficiency is high and the price is high. The main functions of commodity money turtles are edible and medicinal. Its breeding efficiency and price are much lower than wild and imitation wild money turtles. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish the quality, and do not buy the commodity money turtle as a turtle species.

Related knowledge:

According to the different growth methods, the money turtle is divided into three categories: wild, imitation wild, and commodity:

1. Wild money turtle

It is a money turtle that grew up completely in the wild. Wild money turtles grow up in the wild and find it difficult to find food. They only grow 100-200 grams per year and weigh 1000 grams in about 8 years. They mature slowly and live for hundreds of years. The spawning period is equivalent to about 60% of its lifespan. Wild money turtle of the same year, approx. 10% start spawning in year 10, 30-60% in year 11, and 12 years 40%. Wild money turtles lay eggs 1-2 times a year, 2-4 each time.

2. Imitation wild money turtle

It is a slowly growing and mature money turtle. From the hatching of the turtle seedlings, the whole process is not heated, and it is fed according to the feeding amount of wild turtles. The imitation wild money turtle grows 150-250 grams per year, weighs 1,000 grams in about 6 years, and can live for hundreds of years. The spawning period is equivalent to about 60% of its lifespan. In the same year, about 10% began to lay eggs in the 8th year, 30-60% began to lay eggs in the 9th year, and 40% began to lay eggs in the 10th year. The imitation wild money turtle lays eggs 1-2 times a year, 2-4 each time.

3. Commodity money turtle

It is the money turtle that is raised by heating and the money turtle that eats a lot and grows fast without heating. The commercial money turtle grows 300-500 grams per year, reaching 1000 grams in about 4 years. Eat a lot, grow fast, its original growth law and physiological system are completely disrupted, reproductive function is disordered, reproductive organs are artificially matured (such as precocious babies), and eggs can be laid in about 6 years, directly shortening egg laying Even if the eggs are produced, the fertilization rate is relatively low, and the hatched turtles are weak and sickly, and it is difficult to raise them. Commercial turtles are not suitable for breeding, but are only suitable for soup, cooking, food, and medicinal purposes, and their prices are lower than those of wild and imitation wild money turtles.

Appearance of the money turtle

The ornamental value of the money turtle is mainly reflected in its appearance beauty (that is, the comprehensive appearance of body shape, color, etc.). The ornamental value and sales price of the turtle with good appearance are higher than the ornamental value and sales price of the turtle with poor appearance.