Feeding method of horned frog


The more common horned frogs are the green horned frog and the golden horned frog. They are round and fat, with wide mouths and very cute. Horned frogs have bright complexions and beautiful markings. Many players who like reptiles will choose horned frogs as pets, which will not take too much time and will not be too expensive.

One of the characteristics of frogs is their special eye structure that allows them to see things that don't move. This also means that horned frogs can feed two kinds of things, one is feeding live food, and the other is feeding non-living food.

What do horned frogs eat?

Here are just a few examples, such as Dubia cockroaches, crickets, cherry cockroaches, locusts, mealworms, barley worms, moths, small fish, suckling mice (only bighorn frogs can eat, suckling mice can be fed once a month, In order to avoid harming the stomach and intestines of horned frogs), tadpoles, earthworms, other frogs, shrimp, snails, loach, chicken breast, corn worms, etc.

Feeding a single food for a long time may cause it to lack the substances needed for growth and development, so it is necessary to enrich the food of the horned frog. Calcium powder and vitamins are not considered foods, but they are also dietary supplements. Vitamins are given about once a week, and calcium powders are generally given about 2 times a week.


How often do horned frogs feed?

Young horned frogs are fed every 1-2 days, and adult horned frogs 1-2 times a week. Eat no more than the size of the horned frog's head. The feeding temperature of horned frogs is not very high, about 22-30 degrees, low temperature will cause excessive gastrointestinal load or indigestion and cause enteritis. If the temperature is low, heating is required, and the best time to feed is early morning or early evening. Wash your hands when catching horned frogs, so that the residue on your hands does not hurt the horned frog.

How to feed horned frogs?

Horned frogs like to eat loaches, crickets, cherry cockroaches and small fish, hold them with tweezers and place them in front of the frogs to lure it. Young horned frogs like to eat red worms, but it is best to get some blood from the red worms when feeding. Be careful not to feed too much bait, otherwise the horned frog will not eat it, try to feed live bait.

To feed the horned frog, you can feed it loaches, crickets, cherry roaches, and small fish. If the horned frog doesn't eat, use tweezers to hold the bait in front of the frog's nose and try a few more times.

If it is a juvenile horned frog, you can also try feeding it red worms. When feeding, you can put the head of the red worm to get some blood. Under normal circumstances, the horned frog will eat it.

Pay attention to the size of the food you feed. If it's too big, the horned frog won't eat it. It is enough to control about two-thirds of the body length of the horned frog. At the same time try to feed live bait, horned frogs like to eat live animals.


What if the horned frog doesn't eat?

There are many friends who raise horned frogs at home and find that their horned frogs do not eat. They are all wondering what is the reason? Could it be that the horned frog is sick? How to solve the situation of horned frog not eating?

There are several ways to solve the situation of horned frog not eating:

1. Feeding live food

If it is because the horned frog has not yet adapted to the environment, then the breeding of the horned frog will take some time. Do not disturb them during this time, and feed them again in a few days. Live bait must be fed. Horned frogs have poor eyesight and cannot see anything that is not moving, so they will only eat when feeding live animals.

2. Control the ambient temperature

Temperature is the fundamental reason that affects the appetite of horned frogs, because horned frogs are warm-blooded animals. Temperature directly affects the activity of biological enzymes in the body, thereby affecting the digestion process, and its optimum temperature is 25-30 °C.

3. Suffering from a disease

Not eating is because the horned frog has enteritis, and the mortality rate of the horned frog is extremely high, because once sick, few owners can save it better.