How to fight anxiety?


Every morning, we open our eyes, turn on our phones, and see missed news notifications. Anxiety from education, marriage, the workplace, etc., whether or not we are in it right now, will eventually come before us.
Anxiety seems to be exaggerated by the masses, one might ask, but must it be harmful?
Sometimes, busy work seems to make us have no time to take care of our inner anxiety, but anxiety is always there, and this permeation is reflected in every aspect of our life: when we are waiting for the traffic light at the intersection, everyone around us bows their heads, Stop brushing your phone.
We've always been happy to express our anxiety, but what does anxiety bring us? Today, I will take you to understand anxiety scientifically, understand why you are anxious, and provide you with advice on fighting anxiety.
How does anxiety affect people?
1. What is anxiety?
Anxiety is an emotion characterized by a state of inner confusion. Usually a generalized overreaction to a situation, characterized by nervousness, worrying thoughts, and physical changes.
Most people may think anxiety is bad and harmful, but in reality, the anxiety we feel most of the time is reality anxiety, a relatively healthy anxiety that can make our lives better.
Keeping our anxiety under control can make us more motivated. According to research, people who experience some level of anxiety are more productive and work better than those who are not anxious at all.
2. How does anxiety affect us?
Once read a survey on contemporary anxiety. Among them, more than half of the respondents (53.57%) affirmed that anxiety has a positive impact, and of course it has a negative impact.
In fact, the right level of anxiety can indeed help us to understand the current situation objectively. When we are anxious, it affects our ability to accept information objectively and make better decisions. That said, the right amount of anxiety can help us see both the good and the bad, not just one. And, if we feel a lot of anxiety, it can also be a sign of our high IQ.
A new 2015 study found this correlation: People with high levels of anxiety performed better on IQ tests, especially speaking. On the other hand, anxiety can also really affect our performance on tasks that require high levels of concentration or short-term memory.
Why do we feel anxious?
To explore the cause of anxiety, we can first try to ask ourselves, what are you anxious about?
The findings suggest that while the things we worry about vary, overall, the biggest anxieties are personal growth, intimacy and financial stress.
It can be seen that we are still on the road of courtship, wealth, and development, affected and wrapped by anxiety, and we move forward slowly.
How do we fight anxiety?
1. Find your lifestyle
In this survey, 83.07% of the respondents said they had tried to actively improve their anxiety. Gathered some opinions and methods on how to live with anxiety, most of them said that finding the right way to live can go a long way in relieving the effects of anxiety.
For example, meditation, moderate exercise, and journaling are all habits we can choose to cultivate. In addition, more than half of my friends think that indulging in games is actually the most ineffective method, so quickly turn off the computer and go out for fresh air.
2. Cognitively changing how we think about anxiety
Watch our anxiety and embody how we feel, because some anxiety may have a deeper emotion behind it, and anxiety is just our defense.
If many of the anxiety-relieving methods don't work for us, finding the real source of emotion that may be behind it is key.
For example, when we worry about "I'm going to be lonely," we might think, "I'm eating too much, I have bad habits, and no one will like me."
So, when we capture and observe our own feelings, we will find that it may not be the uncertain future that affects and troubles us, but "I want to get rid of these negative emotions in the present moment".
3. Slow down and take back control of your life
When we repeatedly struggle with one thing and cannot find a solution, we can do something unrelated to our current goal. Like listening to some music that makes us feel relaxed, or chatting with friends. These things can at least help us not get stuck in anxiety all the time.
Don't think it's a waste of time, often when we start facing our problems again, we find ourselves feeling different. Sometimes our perception of anxiety is not so accurate. Looking at the sharing in our circle of friends and listening to others talking about anxiety, we unconsciously exaggerate the normalized anxiety. Granted, anxiety often comes from uncertainty, but uncertainty in life is a normal part of life, and it means more possibilities.
If we're worried about feeling powerless in the face of this anxious atmosphere, we should talk more about what we really think with our friends and try to talk to our family about where we are and how we are feeling right now.
I hope we can all accept the changes and ambiguities in our lives with a calmer mind, and not be held back by the fast pace of the social environment. It's up to you to find what suits your own pace of life. It may be slower, but it will give us more stability and calm.