The method of squeezing anal glands in pet dogs


There are many people who own dogs, but did you know that pet dogs have to squeeze their anal glands? There should be many owners who will not squeeze the anal glands of their pet dogs. In fact, not squeezing the anal glands can cause the anal glands to become clogged, inflamed, and cause discomfort and loss of appetite in your dog. The danger is still quite large.

What are anal glands?

The anal glands, also known as the "anal sac", are a pair of pear-shaped glands in pet dogs. They are located on either side of the dog's anus, approximately between four and eight o'clock, one on each side, with an opening on each side.

Anal gland sacs are filled with anal gland fluid. When the dog defecates, the opening of the anal gland opens with the anal opening, and the anal gland fluid is discharged to lubricate the anus, so that the dog can defecate smoothly.

Another function of the anal glands is to recognize each other among dogs. When dogs meet, they smell each other's buttocks to tell them apart.

Under what circumstances does a dog need to squeeze the anal glands?

1. Red and swollen buttocks: When the owner is caring for the pet dog, he finds that the buttocks are red and swollen, indicating that the anal glands are inflamed. At this time, the owner needs to help the dog squeeze the anal glands.

2. Likes to rub the buttocks: When the pet dog is uncomfortable because of the blockage of the anal glands, it likes to rub the buttocks on the ground. When you see this, you must pay attention and check your dog for blocked anal glands!

3. Constipation: Under normal circumstances, pet dogs rarely have constipation, but when the anal glands are blocked, due to insufficient glandular fluid, pet dogs will have difficulty defecation, and constipation will occur.

4. The odor is very heavy: the anal glands have not been cleaned for a long time, or even blocked, which will cause pet dogs to easily produce peculiar odors, and it is useless to take a bath, because the source of the odor is that the anal glands are not cleaned.

How to squeeze anal glands for pet dogs?

First, have gloves, tissues, etc. ready to avoid getting yourself dirty. Then find the location of the anal glands, which are located at the 4 o'clock and 8 o'clock directions of the anus. When you touch it, there will be a small bump, which is the location of the anal gland.

If the pet dog is unwilling, it is best to choose two people to complete the work together, one person to stabilize the pet dog's mood and body, and the other person to squeeze in the direction of 4 o'clock and 8 o'clock.

The technique is to squeeze out the fluid from the anal glands from light to heavy, from the inside to the outside, and from the bottom to the top. Generally, the extruded liquid is khaki and brown. If the discharge is bloody or blood-like, it is advisable to take your dog to the hospital. If it is thick or cloudy and accompanied by a foul odor, it is not healthy, mostly inflammation, and affects the body.

Usually about ten minutes is enough. It is recommended to squeeze once a month. It is best to squeeze the anal glands during the bath. When taking a bath, some parts that are easily dirty cannot be ignored.

How to reduce anal gland fluid?

If you want to reduce anal gland fluid, you need to exercise more. In general, smaller dogs who don't like exercise are more likely to clog their anal glands and need to squeeze the anal glands more often. Taking your dog out for exercise is a good thing. Not only does it reduce the increase in anal gland fluid, but it also strengthens your dog's physique and allows them to release energy. It's a good idea to take your dog out for a walk every day and get your dog more exercise.

If your dog doesn't like to exercise, you can lure him with a snack such as chicken jerky. Of course, most pet dogs are very active, but they also need proper exercise, and if they exercise for a long time, it will affect the dog's joints and cause damage.

Also, don't give your dog too much greasy food, and the dog food should be light, so that the dog can reduce the increase of anal glands. It is best to choose a natural dog food that is low in salt and oil.