Problems that novice pet dogs need to pay attention to


There are many people who love dogs but are afraid of owning them because it is very sad to watch a dog get sick and die. People with insufficient spare time or poor hands-on ability and lazy personality have no choice but to raise pet dogs that are easy to feed. Today I will introduce you to 6 of the best pet dogs, they are very suitable for novice breeding!
Pet dog - Labrador Retriever
Labrador retrievers have a good personality, maybe they were mischievous when they were young, but their liveliness and cuteness can bring you a lot of joy. This kind of pet dog is very intelligent, even if the owner is a novice, it can be well trained.
Its hair is short and does not have to spend as much time grooming every day. And this dog is rarely a picky eater. On the contrary, the owner has to worry about it eating too much, so if you keep it, remember to control the feeding amount.
Pet dog - Shiba Inu
Although this pet dog is a bit expensive, it is not too troublesome to keep. Because its character is a bit like a cat, smart and independent. If you're busy with work, that's okay, just remember to feed it and have something fun for it.
This kind of pet dog is a small and medium-sized dog, and does not need too much feeding space. And it likes to be clean and has no body odor. It's good to simply comb it when it is free. In addition to being sick, Shiba Inu under normal feeding is rarely a picky eater.
Pet dog - golden retriever
This kind of pet dog may be a little naughty when he is a child, but he will not attack people casually, is smart and obedient, and can quickly learn the teaching content of the owner. When he grows up, he will become very sensible and obedient, and he will become the owner's caring baby.
This pet dog has no requirements for food, but the owner cannot feed it freely. In order to make the hair long and smooth, supple and good-looking, it is recommended to feed some dog food that is beneficial to the hair, and you can comb the hair when you have time.
Pet dog - border collie
This pet dog has a good physique and is not easy to get sick. IQ first, very smart. But if you don't have time to properly train it, you can seek help from a professional dog trainer. Also usually keep some dog treats at home and train or interact with him when you have time.
Compared to most dogs, this pet dog has a good stomach, but it can't be overfed. Also, don't keep dog food within easy reach of it.
Pet dog - Teddy dog ​​
This pet dog is smart, witty, and easy to train. As long as you don't pet it, pay attention to its behavior and habits, just like raising a smart child. No hair loss, less body odor, no need to worry about dog hair all over the house.
May be clingy, but suitable for the elderly at home. This kind of pet dog does not eat much, but it is not recommended to feed too much human food and poor-quality dog ​​food, which can easily lead to problems such as tear marks and hair loss, and even affect its health. Therefore, try to choose some high-quality dog ​​food that is good for hair.
Pet dog - Chinese pastoral dog
This pet dog is cheap, and many times you can take it home for a fraction of the cost. It is easy to raise, has good physical fitness, strong adaptability, and rarely gets sick. As long as you feed it, it will give you a lifetime of loyalty.
What should a novice pet dog pay attention to?
1. Take a bath
Beginners do not blindly bathe the dog. When a pet dog first arrives at a new home, the unfamiliar environment will make it overreact and its resistance will deteriorate. It is easy to get sick at this time. Novices need to wait for it to adapt to the environment, ensure that the pet dog is in good physical condition, and choose a time when the weather is relatively warm, and then help the pet dog clean up.
2. Food and feeding amount
For dogs two or three months old, their stomachs are relatively small and fragile. Egg protein, internal organs, and adult dog seafood and dog food are all indigestible food for puppies, so novices need to soak the puppy food before feeding. Whether it is feeding indigestible food or feeding too much, it is easy to cause the pet dog to have diarrhea and vomiting, so when you first start raising, don't feed too much, just feed it 3-4 times a day!
3. Get familiar with the new environment
Because the pet dog will feel uncomfortable when it first arrives in an unfamiliar environment, it will make some reactions, such as non-stop barking. At this time, the novice owner needs to create a warm and comfortable environment for it. You can put your old clothes in its nest to familiarize it with your body odor while adding a sense of security to your new home.
4. Movement
Every pet dog has its own amount of exercise, so novice owners should ensure that their pet dog has a certain amount of exercise every day. The sunshine and fresh air outside can make the pet dog very happy, and the novice owner can take it for a walk outside every day. However, unvaccinated and newly vaccinated puppies should not be taken outdoors and can be kept indoors in a sunny location.
5. Vaccination
Do not vaccinate your dog immediately after coming home. First, observe its health, and then strengthen the dog's physique.
Finally, three conditions must be met:
First, if the dog has a history of medication, it is necessary to stop the medication for a period of time;
The second is to go to the hospital for a physical examination, and the results are normal before continuing;
The third is to maintain a healthy state for 10-15 days after arriving at the new home.
If you blindly vaccinate your dog, it can have serious consequences. And don't give it a bath immediately after vaccination!