When can my baby roll over?


As a first-time parent, the happiest thing for a parent is watching their baby grow up day by day. You don't want to miss every moment of your baby's growth. The baby opens his eyes to see the world, the baby rolls over, the baby walks, the baby mumbles and calls Mom and Dad. This is a touching growth process. Today, we will learn about a key moment of the baby's growth-the baby rolls over, when does the baby roll over, and how to train the baby to roll over? Let's find out!


Time for the baby to turn over

The so-called three turns, six sitting, eight crawls, the baby will turn over, indicating that he has begun to consciously explore his free world, so when will the baby turn over? In fact, the time for the baby to roll over varies from person to person, and the situation of the baby's roll over is also determined by many factors.

Babies of 4-7 months have already begun to try to roll over, but the specific time to achieve rollover varies from person to person. Some children turn over once before 3 months and never turn over again, and some children will jump over the roll or omit the roll and start sitting or standing directly. There are also children who suddenly learn to roll over after being able to stand up. Some babies hate rolling over because they are startled by the sudden rollover, or because it is difficult for an overweight child to roll over.

Therefore, parents do not need to be too nervous for their children to turn over late. As long as they actively train their baby's motor function and brain development, the baby will move his body consciously.

What are the signs of a baby turning over?

What are the signs of a baby rolling over? Parents always feel that the baby grows very fast. Indeed, the changes of the growing baby are particularly amazing. So how can parents get the baby's growth signal?

Baby turn signal 1: When the baby can raise his head consciously and freely, and he can lift his head to his chest, it means that his neck and back muscles are already very strong. At this time, if the toy is lifted above the baby's line of sight, the baby can also raise his head.

Baby rollover signal 2: When the baby is lying on his back, his feet are raised, or his feet are always raised and shaken. The baby's waist doesn't turn very well at first, so just rock the feet to try to roll.

Baby turning signal 3: If the baby always lies on his side in the direction he is interested in, the baby may already have the awareness of turning over, but he has not mastered the basics of turning over. At this time, parents can gently hold the baby's arm, pull him in the direction of his side, and teach him to turn his waist and buttocks.

How to teach the baby how to turn over correctly

The baby starts to learn to move his little body, but he can't turn over and cry in a hurry. What should parents do? At this time, parents can try to teach the baby how to roll over.

Method 1: Practice supporting your arms at a height of 60 cm from the bed, and hang a colorful balloon or a toy that makes sounds. Let the baby lie on the bed first, with the arms supporting the body, and the mother shakes the balloon or toy on the side to induce the baby to keep his head up and stretch his chest as long as possible each time.

Method 2: Practice the coordination of movements of various parts of the body. When the baby has a certain amount of support, the mother will adjust the height of the balloon so that the baby can reach the hands and feet when lying on the bed.

Method 3: Help the baby to twist the body naturally and let the baby lie on the back, the mother gently holds the baby's two legs, the right leg is placed on the left leg, and a little strength is provided to make the baby's body naturally twist In the past, become prone. After many practice, the baby will learn to roll over.

Method 4: Make the baby turn over independently When the baby is lying on his side, the mother calls out the baby's name behind her, and lures the baby with a loud toy to induce the baby to find the sound to turn over. This way, you can practice the rollover from your back to your side.

Method 5: Induce the baby to do a complete rollover. When the baby turns from the supine to the side to grab the toy, deliberately move the toy farther away to encourage the baby to turn to the prone position.


Precautions for baby turning over

When your baby learns to roll over, it means that he has begun to learn to explore his surroundings. While parents are happy, they should also pay attention to some precautions when the baby is turning over!

Note 1: Do not put hard objects and small objects in the baby's bed to prevent the baby from turning over and hurting or accidentally eating it.

Note 2: The bedding and sheets must be flat, and there should be no plastic sheets around the baby to prevent suffocation.

Note 3: Do not put down the bed rails of the baby's bed at will without the supervision of an adult, or put the baby on the adult's bed, otherwise the baby will easily fall from a height!