Does eating tomatoes really have a whitening effect?


Many people on the Internet say that eating tomatoes will turn white, but do tomatoes really have a whitening effect?

Do tomatoes have a whitening effect?

Tomatoes have a whitening effect. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and lycopene, containing 19 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams of tomatoes, and their VC content is higher than that of cherries, oranges, apples and pears. Both vitamin C and lycopene are excellent antioxidants, which can inhibit the activity of tyrosinase in the skin, effectively reduce the formation of melanin, and achieve a whitening effect.

Why does the skin not turn white after eating tomatoes for a month?

1. Dark skin

The whitest parts of a person's body are the whitest limits you can achieve, such as the chest, hips, and inner arms, which are never exposed to sunlight. If the skin itself is dark, and the areas of the skin that have never been exposed to the sun are also darker, then no matter how many tomatoes you eat, the skin won't get thinner.

2. No other sun protection measures

Sun protection measures include sunscreen, sun hats, umbrellas, sun protection clothing, sun masks and sunglasses. These are measures to block UV rays. Even if you eat tomatoes every day, ultraviolet rays will stimulate the production of melanin, so in the absence of sunscreen, the small VC in tomatoes will eventually restore melanin, and daily exposure to the sun will produce more melanin, and it is impossible to turn white.

3. Tomatoes have limited whitening effect

As mentioned, tomatoes contain 19 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams. Eat up to 200-300 grams of tomatoes a day. The intake of VC is also limited, and the whitening effect is limited. Everyone eats tomatoes. Due to the different whitening effects, it is difficult to see the whitening effect even after eating tomatoes for a month.

What should I pay attention to when eating tomatoes for whitening?

Tomatoes contain a lot of pectin and other ingredients, which easily react with stomach acid and form insoluble lumps. It is not recommended to eat raw on an empty stomach because it can cause bloating and stomach pain.

In addition, tomatoes are cold and people with weak spleen and stomach need to properly control the amount of raw tomatoes.

The efficacy and role of raw tomatoes

1. Cool and quench thirst

Tomatoes are a bit cool, raw tomatoes are rich in moisture. Eating raw tomatoes can help quench your thirst. In the hot summer, tomatoes are cool, sweet and sour, very tasty.

2. Appetizers and Digestion

Tomatoes are sweet and sour, rich in water, and have an excellent appetizer effect after eating. It is also rich in organic acids, which promote gastric acid secretion and aid digestion. Suitable for people with anorexia and indigestion.

3. Nutrition

Raw tomatoes are rich in protein, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, sodium, iodine, carotene, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin, niacin, folic acid, riboflavin, and vitamin C. Malic acid, citric acid, lycopene and other ingredients, eating raw tomatoes can help the body supplement organic acids, vitamins, inorganic salts, cellulose and other nutrients, promote development and enhance immunity.

4. Whiten the skin

Raw tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, which can inhibit the synthesis of tyrosinase, reduce melanin, and whiten the skin.

Is it good to eat tomatoes every night?

You can eat tomatoes every night to replenish vitamins and minerals and boost your immunity, but keep the following in mind:

1. It is not recommended to eat 2 hours before bedtime

Do not eat tomatoes within 2 hours of bedtime, as it takes about 2 hours after eating tomatoes hours to empty the stomach. When a person falls asleep, the peristalsis of the digestive tract slows down and the digestive ability decreases, making tomatoes rich in cellulose. Tomatoes are eaten too late and cannot be digested, which can easily cause problems such as stomach discomfort and bad breath.

2. People who urinate frequently at night should not eat

People who urinate frequently at night should be careful not to overdose before going to bed. Tomatoes are rich in water, and frequent urination should not be eaten at night.

3. People with cold stomach should not eat

The night itself is cold. People with cold stomach should avoid eating raw and cold foods such as tomatoes, so as not to aggravate the cold of the stomach and body.

When should I eat tomatoes?

1. If you are a healthy person, any time is a good time to eat tomatoes as long as it is not on an empty stomach and 2 hours before bedtime.

2. If you have a cold body and a cold stomach, eat tomatoes at noon when the sun is relatively strong, and eat as many cooked tomatoes as possible to reduce the accumulation of cold in the body.