How to use a pacifier


A pacifier is a tool used to replace nipples. Often, parents use a pacifier after the baby stops breastfeeding to allow the baby to settle in slowly.
When to use a pacifier
Applicable Scenario 1: Determine what your child really needs. A child with a strong need to suck may indeed need the comfort of oral sucking (commonly seen in children who are well fed, lukewarm, not wet, hugged and kissed enough from their mothers but still cry day and night).
Suitable for Scenario 2: For premature or low birth weight babies, sucking comforter may help with weight gain, but should be discontinued once the weight catches up with normal babies.
Applicable Scenario 3: Make sure that the use of a pacifier will not interfere with your child's breast or formula feeding. Stop as soon as you notice an effect.
Is it good for the baby to use a pacifier?
Just as a baby chews his hands, pacifier feeding is an objective process. Using a pacifier for your baby can really help soothe your emotions. It is a good exercise for your baby's upper and lower jaw, facial muscle development and tongue extension. The formation of buck teeth is not directly related to the pacifier, but if the baby is teething Continuing to eat pacifiers at times is bad for your teeth.
Studies have shown that when a baby is constantly sucking on a pacifier, air enters the mouth and stomach from the sides of the mouth as the baby swallows. The intestines will also follow frequent peristalsis under conditioned reflexes, which can easily make the baby colic and cause abdominal pain. These phenomena are all related to the overuse of pacifiers. As long as parents control the baby's pacifiers at a moderate frequency, the above problems will not occur.
How to use a pacifier
Although there is a lot of controversy about the quality of the pacifier. However, as long as you master the method and degree of use, you can let the pacifier safely accompany your baby's growth. When your little one is full and still crying, or sucks his fingers when he has nothing to do, you put a clean pacifier in his mouth and all the troubles stop immediately. But use a pacifier to use the correct method, let's take a look.
Method 1: Don't use it because of perfunctory
Parents do not like their children to disturb them when they are busy, but they must not be perfunctory and use pacifiers for them at will.
Method 2: Choose a style suitable for your baby
Not all pacifiers are suitable for your baby. When buying, it is best to let your baby try it out, and choose a pacifier that your baby likes and is comfortable to use.
Method 3: Cleaning before and after use
To keep the pacifier hygienic, be sure to wash it thoroughly before and after your baby uses it, and store it in a clean place.
Method 4: Take out the pacifier in time after falling asleep
Sleeping pacifiers can adversely affect your baby's teeth development and breathing, so they must be removed after your baby is asleep.
Method 5: Do not wrap the strap around the baby's neck
Some parents are afraid that the baby will throw the pacifier, and like to install the fixed belt on the pacifier. At this time, remember not to wrap the pacifier strap around the baby's neck to avoid the risk of suffocation.
Method 6: Do not use it for a long time
Long-term use of a pacifier can easily lead to deformed teeth. So, be sure to let them wean before the baby is 2 years old.
How to quit the pacifier scientifically
Quit method 1: Slowly reduce the frequency of use. Minimize the time and number of times your baby uses a pacifier, dilute it, and let your baby slowly forget about the pacifier. During this process, parents should persevere and not feed their babies when they are noisy.
Quit method 2: Help the baby to establish a sense of security. Some babies rely on pacifiers because of lack of security, so usually parents need to spend more time with the baby, give him more care, spend more time meeting the needs of the baby, accompany him, and make him full sense of security.
Quit Method 3: Use toys to distract your baby. To distract your baby, give him some fun toys to let him forget the pacifier in the midst of busy play. After he doesn't like the pacifier, he can wean him off quickly.
Quit Method 4: Don't use beating, scolding, or scaring. In the process of weaning off the pacifier, some babies are easier to wean off, and some are more difficult. For babies who are difficult to quit, parents should not use intimidation and frightening methods, let alone smear chili oil on the pacifier.
Quit method 5: Take the baby's favorite cartoon character as an example, show the baby's favorite cartoon character, and then the parent seriously said to the baby: "Baby, look, Winnie the Pooh has grown up, he No more pacifiers, and now that your baby is grown up, like Winnie the Pooh, he'll never need a pacifier, right?" If your baby loves this cartoon character, he's sure to use it as an example.
Quit Method 6: Do more outdoor activities. Often take your baby to the community garden or nearby park for a walk and do outdoor sports. Let your baby get in touch with other babies and focus on play.