Causes of baby spitting up and how to deal with it


Now that the baby is born into this world, parents can experience endless joy, but the newborn's diet and daily life must be paid attention to. Babies are weak in every way. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for protection, and spitting up often occurs in newborns. So, for new parents, how to properly care for them? What are the reasons for a baby to spit up? What should I do to deal with my baby's spitting up?
Reasons for spitting up:
Reason 1: Physiological factors
Baby spitting up is mostly a physiological reaction. The main reason is that the newborn baby is small, the body is immature, the stomach capacity is also small, and the esophageal muscle tension is low, the valve is relatively loose, when the intake is large and large, the food will rise up, and spitting up occurs. Condition. Improper feeding methods, incorrect feeding postures, and baby's cold stomach can also cause physiological spitting up in newborn babies.
Reason 2: Pathological factors
Newborn babies may suffer from certain diseases, which lead to poor digestive function, loss of appetite, poor mental state, crying, etc., which can easily lead to the symptoms of spitting up. There are not many cases of pathological spitting up. If the spitting up is frequent and large, without weight gain, or accompanied by abdominal distension, diarrhea, fever and other symptoms, it is necessary to attract the attention of the mother and father, and take the baby to the hospital for relevant examinations. Check to see if your baby has bacterial infections or intestinal disorders, most commonly gastroesophageal reflux and infections.
What to do if the baby spit up
Method 1: Mom and Dad can gently massage the baby's abdomen to help the baby digest and reduce the baby's spitting up.
Method 2: If you are bottle feeding, choose a pacifier that is the right size for your baby. The pacifier is too small, and the baby sucks too hard, sucking in air, and it is easy to spit up milk. A nipple that is too large can cause choking when your baby sucks. Therefore, when choosing a pacifier, consider whether the size of the pacifier hole is suitable for your baby.
Method 3: Pay attention to keeping the baby warm. If the baby is fed with formula milk, pay attention to the temperature of the milk.
Method 4: In addition to avoiding swallowing a lot of air, breastfed children should control the amount of milk in a single feeding and pay attention to the ratio of milk powder to water. In addition, after feeding the baby, you can gently stand the baby up, pat the back gently, and the baby can lie down with the head slightly higher. In addition, you should also pay attention when your child vomits. Just after feeding, you should pay attention to turning your head to one side to avoid the child's aspiration.
Method 5: Mothers should learn to pinch milk. Sometimes the mother's milk is so full that it even seeps out, and the baby can choke easily when sucking. At this time, the mother must learn to pinch the milk, that is, gently press the vicinity of the breast to avoid excessive milk. This can relieve your baby's symptoms of spitting up.
In most cases, spitting up is a normal physiological phenomenon. However, if there is frequent spitting up, accompanied by abdominal diseases and other problems, be sure to take the baby to the hospital for examination in time to see if there is any disease. For those who spit up milk purely due to physiological factors, more attention should be paid to daily protection and care, attention to diet and details of life, to reduce the number of times the baby spit up milk, and to provide a better environment for the baby to absorb nutrients.
What to do if the baby spit up seriously
Method 1: Change the feeding position. Hold the baby as much as possible to feed, so that the baby's body is tilted about 45 degrees. When the mother holds the baby to breastfeed, make the baby's head higher and the body lower to reduce the symptoms of spitting up. Try not to let your baby lie down when feeding formula, preferably sitting or standing. If lying down, don't put your baby on his back immediately after feeding, but on his side for a while, then switch to his back.
Method 2: Choose the most suitable nipple hole. Babies who use a pacifier should pay attention to the size of the pacifier. Too small is easy to inhale air, and too large is easy to choke and cause severe coughing. Both may cause the baby to spit up milk.
Method 3: Change the feeding time. When the baby has symptoms of spitting up, pay attention to shorten the time of each feeding, do not feed the baby for a long time, let the baby digest and absorb slowly, and the baby will not spit up milk when the baby's stomach adapts.
Method 4: Change the number of feedings. If the baby spit up, the number of feedings should be reduced appropriately, from the previous 2 hours to 3 hours.
Method 5: Mothers strengthen nursing care. If the baby spit up milk, it may be due to the air in the stomach, which is usually a physiological spit up. After the mother feeds the baby, don't change the holding position immediately, and let the baby burp, so that it is not easy to cause spitting up.
Method 6: Seek medical attention in time. If the baby's spit-up symptoms still do not improve with the above methods, it is likely to be pathological spit-up, and the baby may have gastrointestinal lesions. You should see a pediatrician in time, and then prescribe the right medicine.