Causes and treatment of baby eczema


Baby eczema is a common chronic skin condition that often occurs in babies. It basically shows up within one to six months. According to incomplete statistics, the probability of children suffering from eczema in my country is 10% to 20%. The condition is basically a red, hot, dry, itchy rash on the face that may appear on the face or body. In response to this situation, this article analyzes the causes of baby eczema, and gives relevant treatment methods. Mothers, come and see.
Baby eczema is the cause
Reason 1: Genetic factors
Baby eczema is a manifestation of atopic dermatitis in infants. Idiopathic dermatitis is also called atopic dermatitis, atopic eczema, atopic dermatitis, atopic eczema, etc., which is related to hereditary allergic constitution.
If the parents have allergic diseases such as asthma, urticaria, allergic rhinitis, etc., the child will have immune abnormalities. The IgE content in the plasma of children with eczema is several times to dozens of times higher than that of normal babies, which is determined by genetics. Some babies may develop other allergic diseases such as bronchial asthma or allergic rhinitis during or after the occurrence of eczema, which is closely related to hereditary allergies.
Reason 2: Protein allergy
A high-protein diet may be an external pathogenic factor for eczema in babies. Among mothers of children with eczema, 92.7% of the mothers paid great attention to nutrition during pregnancy, mainly eating high-protein diets such as chicken, duck, fish, and shrimp, and some liked to eat spicy foods such as spicy food.
In addition, some breastfeeding mothers mainly use eggs, beef, lamb, etc. to enhance nutrition. Eczema may also be aggravated by breastfeeding mothers who eat spicy and other irritating foods and seafood products.
Therefore, if the mother is pregnant or breastfeeding, if she finds that her baby is allergic, she may consider whether she is allergic to protein, which may induce eczema in the baby.
Reason 3: Environmental factors
(1) Indoor temperature and humidity have a certain impact on the incidence of baby eczema. In order to prevent the baby from catching a cold, many mothers seldom open the windows for ventilation, which makes the room relatively humid or overheated; some people live in places that are too humid or dry, which can also cause the baby's eczema to worsen. In hot summer and other seasons, the indoor temperature is too high, bathing with hot water, wearing too many clothes, and not paying attention to hygiene may aggravate the condition.
(2) Some mothers dry or bake the baby's diapers and other clothes at home, which leads to the occurrence or aggravation of the baby's eczema.
(3) Some children are allergic to daily necessities, such as soap, washing powder, synthetic fiber clothes, plasticine, plastic toys, etc.
(4) Climate change (sunshine, ultraviolet rays, high temperature, dryness, cold, etc.), destruction of the ecological environment, and air pollution (too much harmful gas or dust in the air) can also induce or aggravate baby eczema.
(5) Children inhale dust mites, pollen, etc., come into contact with various animal and plant dander, feathers, etc., and eat fish, shrimp, eggs and other foods.
(6) The application of certain drugs can also induce or aggravate the disease.
Reason 4: Psychological factors
Fearing that the baby's eczema will recur or worsen, parents often worry that the baby may be allergic to certain substances, prone to cleanliness, a single diet, and limited range of activities, which will make the child prone to malnutrition. Or immune function imbalance, the ability to adapt to the external environment is reduced, making baby eczema more stubborn and refractory.
Reason 5: Differences between urban and rural areas
According to reports, the incidence rate in rural areas is lower than that in urban areas, which means that rural living and sanitation conditions are poor, and the mother's diet has little effect on the baby. Parents adapt to this environment, and due to genetics and other factors, the baby adapts to this environment too.
Reason 6: Improper medication and nursing
Baby eczema, Chinese medicine called "milk ringworm". Some parents use drugs to treat "ringworm" to treat their baby's eczema, resulting in aggravation of the condition.
Some parents use hormonal creams, which take effect quickly and apply them on a large area for a long time. Babies' skin is thin and tender, which often leads to drug dependence or aggravates the condition. The baby's skin lesions are eroded and oozing obviously. Some children's parents use irritating Chinese medicine to scrub the skin lesions. The children's skin lesions are dry. Some children have severe itching, which affects sleep, and some children have secondary infections. Parents still insist not to give the children internal medicine, resulting in aggravation of symptoms.
Reason 7: Others
In addition, drugs, bacterial infections, viral infections, etc. can also lead to the occurrence of eczema in babies. Excessive scratching, secondary infection, hot and cold stimulation, sweating disorders, etc., can easily aggravate baby eczema.
The best treatment for eczema
Method 1: Overall treatment principles
There are many kinds of medicines that can be used for baby eczema, and parents should take medicine under the guidance of a doctor. Before replacing the new medicine, be sure to remove the previously used medicine. When changing the medicine, it is best to rub a small piece of eczema on the baby's skin to observe the effect to avoid aggravating the condition due to improper medicine.
How to treat baby eczema depends on the performance of eczema, such as local erythema, papules, scales, scabs, etc. Hormone-containing drugs and ointments should not be used. If there are many ulcers and exudates, cold and wet compresses should be used to wait for scabs. Then apply the cream.
For babies with less severe eczema, only topical medication is required, but they cannot be abused on their own to avoid skin damage or infection.
Method 2: Cold and wet compress
(1) Commonly used 1:10000 potassium permanganate solution wet compress (must be thoroughly dissolved potassium permanganate, undissolved potassium permanganate will burn the baby's skin), which can not only clean the wound, but also play a role in sterilization, convergence, stop itching effect.
(2) 4-6 layers of fine gauze, preferably without dripping water, apply wet gauze to the wound, and determine the replacement time and frequency according to the amount of eczema exudate. Change the gauze when the exudate absorbed by the gauze reaches a half-saturated level. Two to three times a day. When there is a lot of exudate, the dressing should be changed frequently during wet compress, so as to avoid the dressing with excessive exudate staying on the wound surface for a long time, irritating the surrounding normal skin, and causing the wound surface to expand.
(3) For large areas of eczema, due attention should be paid to the nature, concentration and size of the wet compress.
(4) If the redness and swelling of the wound gradually subsides, the exudate decreases, and the wound is dry, the wet compress can be stopped and the patch can be used instead.
(5) Please pay attention to cold and wet compresses: the wet compress area should not exceed 1/3 of the body area, so as to avoid excessive evaporation of the body surface and cause the baby to become dehydrated.